Reflector Coatings


May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I'm looking to have some reflectors recoated and what I need to know is what coating would you guys recomend ? I've heard that both silver and rhodium are good, i've also heard nickel is good. What would you guys use if you had the choice ? Thanks.
Rhodium if you can get it, and protected silver if you can't. Protected so the silver won't tarnish. Aluminum is also pretty good but it oxidizes quickly and then becomes pretty unreflective.
Look through posts by member Ra. In terms of reflectance, there are superior coatings to rhodium, but perhaps not as durable.
Cool, looks like Rhodium it is. Besides I've removed the outer protective cover on the HID bulb and can now smell ozone, which of course means UV. So it will definately need a durable, resistant surface.