removing emitter from RAW NS?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 24, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
Hey guys, ive got a really nice XR-E R2 CREE that i want to put in and its all ready to go except i cant figure out how to take the driver board and emitter out?

I dont want to force anything so i thought i would ask here... ive done a couple of searches but havent been able to find anything helpful :thinking:

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys :candle:

just push the whole assembly through the front of the light, the whole thing will pop out, lens,reflector,heatsink and just gets a little stuck sometimes. Hold the back side with your finger so the board stays straight while your pushing.
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I think Cuso meant to push it from the front, so that it comes out of the back like you found.

Just make sure that the o-ring in front of the glass window is still attached to the inner lip of the front of the light. Have fun swapping out that emitter.
SWEET!! I just did my first mod... and this is now my ultimate EDC, it has the nicest tint and its an R2.

WOW WTG!! How Cool!!!

Do you have a 2 stage switch installed? What levels and runtimes with that R2?

I've been wanting a new ORB RAW with trints and a "custom" 5-7 low low setting with that 90minute 100 lumen high. I wonder if Rob at Orb/Lummi could customize my current 160/25 Raw Ns.
Whats an r2?

It is an emitter bin, like we had the Cree P4, Q2, Q4 and Q5, R2 is the next efficiency bin up. Because Cree emitters dominate at the moment, we don't even bother calling it a 'Cree X-RE 7090, R2 bin' anymore.

With regards to tsask, how steady is you soldering hand? If you replace that tiny black 22 ohm resistor with something more like 44 ohms, that should get you in the ball-park 5 to 7 lumens. Just ask someone a little more electronically literate to be sure.

Rob possibly could make up one, but with the machining delays on the Raw Al, 5-trit Raw Ti to be made, >Orb to be finalized and the New Project to worry about, it may be some time before he can get round to your request.
Thanks for the comments guys, im quite chuffed with my mod :D

This thing is almost incandescent warm!!

Unfortunately i didnt take any beam shots before i swapped out the emitter so i cant show you guys a comparison but ill get up some pictures soon... just need to get my camera out.

Also the raw i got is the 100/20 one so its not blazing bright but its exactly what i was after..

The only thing i might want to do now is similar to what tsask is after and swap out the resistor to get the low really nice and low, i dont think it would be to hard to do.

Pics coming soon.....

Edit: sorry guys... going to have to wait till tomorrow, cant find the cord for my camera!
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That's OK, we'll be patient.

Maybe you have another light to compare the beam to - perhaps something most of us can relate the comparison to.
I have been thinking about asking rob if he would make some r2 light engines for the ns... I think mine has a p3 in it and it is almost purple on the tint... (ick) A warm r2 would be amazing in it...
Here is a beam shot... sorry i dont have anything to compare it to... and i have no idea how the camera i used works :p

I would say that is slightly less bright that it was with the purple tinted Q5 but as i dont have a direct comparison i couldnt say for sure, i still think it is absolutely ideal for me IMO!
