Re: Removing the A2\'s lanyard attachment...
You're not understanding me. I'm saying to insert the blade in the seam, so that the blade is parallel to the seam, and then move the blade in such a way that it rests against one side, and forces up the other. Seen from a certain angle, this could be described as "twisting", but seen from the top, it is "prying".
Take the screwdriver, for example. Suppose that that fit nicely into the seam. If you twisted it, as if you were tightening or loosening a screw, that would be bad, as it would try to separate the two pieces at the seam without lifting one up and away from the other.
But if you PRY with it, leaning it towards one side and away from the other, then that is good.
If you get the kind of results you describe, you are certainly doing the correct thing, and this is all just a miscommunication and exercise in semantics. But I just wanted to explain (again) for those who will read this at some point in the future, in an effort to remove their own A2 lanyard rings.