Return of the Hotwire - what are my options for 100W bulbs?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
Hmm.... it is interesting to re-read our old hotwire 'pushing the frontier' threads with today's perspectives.

And the reason I'm re-reading them is that I'm considering revisiting the hotwire frontier once again.

Recently I acquired a light that turned out to be very much of a lemon. It doesn't work properly. I decided I can do two things - I can argue with the supplier (argument in progress right now) AND I can develop a contingency plan to make lemonade.

Having gutted this particular host in order to send back the defective parts, I've figured it has enough space for at least 4 x A123Systems (LiFE) cells. For some reason I particularly like their cells - good stuff. High current capable, very little sag, intrinsically safe - what's there not to like :)

A 4S pack will give me 13.2V and more juice than I can possibly imagine using. (120A, 10 sec.. resistance welder anybody?).

I also found two Kiu bipin kits in my stash. :D that takes care of the bulb carrier.

The host was designed for a 50W hot-wire-less (I shall not say those 3 words. It's not "LED".) setup so thermal management should be ok. I have access to 15-amp 240V switches for a couple of dollars.

The host has an original 11.1V 3S3P unprotected li-ion pack. I am wondering whether I want to bother with this POS or just toss it for safety reasons. I am personally more comfortable with A123's especially at such crazy amperages.

Now I need a bulb. I have decided not to go crazy, for safety's sake. I know my limits.....I don't think I would want anything higher than 100W. Osram 64625HLX anybody? Makes me kinda wish I had not sold my stash of them :D (ex-USL owner here)

Note that my host has a fairly large head and I am not limited to MR16 bulbs. I can go a bit bigger.

Toss some ideas my way.....may the hotwire burn biggger and brighter!
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I have always wanted to play with the Osram IRC bulbs a few years ago but never got round to doing it. Perhaps this is my chance?

64447 data from Luxluthor

My host appears to be able to take up to a staggering 16 x 18650. I may stick to 12 x 18650, 6S2P A123/LiFE, to generate 19.2V, 2.2AH. My charger system cannot handle more than 6S, and I don't want to invest in additional chargers.

Osram 64447-IRC, overdriven to ~120W, 18 minutes of runtime on that setup, about 5-5.5K lumens. WOOOOHOOOOOOOO.

As an interesting aside, the A123/18650 I plan to use have yellow jackets. That goes perfectly with my new project name..... Project Lemonade ;)