Review my order (knifesupply co)

aikiman44 said:
Invading Kazakstan?
I don't know why I even want a lot of this stuff.
Flashlight, okay, useful for me, fun to play with for photography, everyone should have a decent flashlight.
Lighter, I don't smoke, but the people I hang around with do, and I'm always nagged for a light, plus, lighters are cool.
Boots, for when I get dirty with photography (i.e. taking photos in a construction site, which ruined my last pair of shoes.)
Flask (for the acholic in me.)
Gloves (I dunno, seem cool, especially if your going to have a knife.)
Keychain stuff (might be useful.)
Money clip (i dunno, try something new?)
hey thats looks like your gonna have a box full of fun stuff to me! Cant go wrogn with nay of those items, I think you wil really like the black ice Zippo, its has a nice finish on it, like black chrome...classy!
cutlerylover said:
hey thats looks like your gonna have a box full of fun stuff to me! Cant go wrogn with nay of those items, I think you wil really like the black ice Zippo, its has a nice finish on it, like black chrome...classy!
Yeah, it looked real nice.
Was wondering if there were any more photos of it anywhere, will have to google later.
Wondering about a whistle.

Dakota Watches Starlight Siren Any good?
It took me a few minutes to find this, most sites have the stock picture...I foudn this at a japanese zippo collector site, different angle...Although no picture captures the look of the black ice have to hold it to see how nice it is...and you will soon enough!

aikiman44 said:
Atwood, anyone?
Was thinking that and gettign a skeeter for the ekychain perhaps.
Kind of a large whistle though.
Highorder, no mall, I like toys, and do a lot of photography. Some of this stuff is sort of justified.
Cutlery, looks really neat. I guess we both have good taste :D.
What about the money clip? Should it do the job for a few bills? Will the cricket also do the job as a money clip when needed (assuming I'm in a place where I can take out a knife.)
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Looking back before I order, I am curious if the holders are a good choice (can the maxpedition hold the minimag?)
And even more so, if the keychain flashlight (ASP) is a good choice, and if the minimag LED is a good choice (I don't want to do modding, at this point, and I have read iffy things about them.)
Maybe knife supply co has something you can recommend me that takes AA or AAA (rather AA) in a similiar price range?
that seems like a bunch of crap you want but dont need. so be it, buy what you like.

that is alot of money for some. also, none of those prices are exceptional deals...

scrap that order and buy one nice pair of boots. they will serve you well.
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highorder said:
that seems like a bunch of crap you want but dont need. so be it, buy what you like.

that is alot of money for some. also, none of those prices are exceptional deals...

scrap that order and buy one nice pair of boots. they will serve you well.
Boots are not my thing.
I only am buying a pair for when I am going somewhere dirty and don't want to ruin my shoes, which is rare.
There's few things in life I need compared in relation to what I buy, but luxuries/collectibles and toys are fun, what can I say?
Maybe not exceptional, but I don't think they are bad compared to what I saw on google, and I'm sure any of this stuff in Canada in stores would be a lot more expensive. This guy takes paypal too and has a nice variety of items, so I think it is all good in the end.
Might want to buy the lighter fuel locally. If it triggers a hazmat fee that will raise the shipping cost considerably. It might complicate things in customs too.
mahoney said:
Might want to buy the lighter fuel locally. If it triggers a hazmat fee that will raise the shipping cost considerably. It might complicate things in customs too.
Good idea. Does it come with any fluid, and wehre can you buy this fluid?
almost anywhere. try the local grocery or hardware store.

do they have age requirements for lighters in Canada?
highorder said:
almost anywhere. try the local grocery or hardware store.

do they have age requirements for lighters in Canada?
Not sure, I think most stores won't sell one to anyone <19, but it's been done.
I know the high school here pretty much every kid has a lighter.
No it doesn't. There's nothing special about the zippo brand fluid. It's just naptha. You can buy it anywhere (drugstore, grocery store, convenience store).

JaGWiRE said:
Good idea. Does it come with any fluid, and wehre can you buy this fluid?
felder said:
No it doesn't. There's nothing special about the zippo brand fluid. It's just naptha. You can buy it anywhere (drugstore, grocery store, convenience store).
I see.
Still curious if there is a better flashlight choice (aa or aaa, preferabley aa) in the similiar price range ($25-50 I guess), from this site?

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