REVIEW: Streamlight Super Tac


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 4, 2006
Montreal, Canada
I was looking for a 2 cell thrower to replace my Fenix T1, since I feel it would suit my use better. I remembered reading about the Streamlight super tac right after SHOT show and thought it was pretty ugly and didn't think much of it. Well the local B&M store have them in stock so I went to check them out, and ended up taking one home

The light is huge for a light that use 2x CR123a cells, but most of that is because of the reflector. The reflector on it is bigger than D cell Maglite in fact. If you look at it, the reflector is as wide as the largest part of bezel, and extends all the way down to where the rings end on neck of the light. The reflector is smooth and made of plastic.



Despite its size, the light feels good in hand, and can be easily operated.



The light is made of aluminum, and anodize to matte black. I don't know which type of anodizing is used, but since Streamlight did not advertise which type I would assume it's type II.

The battery tube is checkered for better grip. I love the checkering pattern used on this light, it's very grippy, yet not abrasive like those used by Surefire. A pocket clip is included but I don't know why would anyone use it, consider the larger (and heavier) part of the light is outside pocket, and will probably fall out easily.

Switch is a tail cap forward cliky, which feels great when using. It only needs to be pushed in a little bit for the momentary to engaged, but need to be pushed in quite a bit to latch on, so it's hard to accidentally click on. The tail cap can be twisted counter clockwise to lock out the switch, a quarter turn is enough.

A Luxeon TFFC K2 is used as light source. This particular LED has very warm tint, however the other one in store had very blue tint, Luxeon lottery is alive and well.

The lens is made of polycarbonate and is pressed in, so replacement is not possible.

Nothing is glued on this light, everything can be taken apart easily.


The LED resides inside an aluminum pill, which appears to be press fit and impossible to take apart for LED upgrade. (NOTE: a member on another forum showed me that his scorpion use a very similar pill and the top portion can be pulled off to reveal the Luxeon star, but I haven't tried it yet. Thanks AshA4!)


Both + and – contacts are spring loaded. Battery tube inside diameter is 17.3mm, so…


Streamlight advertises this light to be 135 lumens out front. Runtime is 2.5 hours to 110 lumens, then drops out of regulation, and down to 13 lumens at 3.5 hours.

Since the reflector is smooth the whitewall shot isn't pretty, but at least no rings.


Beamshots with Magled with SSCP4 and SF L1 cree



Super tac



320ft/97m A lot of light pollution from the city, and to my right is a warehouse with many exterior sodium lights.


Super tac



Now about 620ft/189m? I can barely tell what is being lighted up at this distance.


Super tac



I thought the mag was a good thrower, but Super tac kills it. With all the light pollution I can still see things being lighted up at over 600 ft, so I'd imagine in total darkness it'll do that easily.

All in all this is not the brightest light out there, but it sure makes good use of all its lumens! It won't be my EDC, but for outdoor trips I will definitely have it around!

For more information see the fact sheet from Streamlight.

Oh sidenote, C4 LED just means whatever Streamlight happens to use in that light, Luxeon K2 in this case, and cree in Argo.
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Thanks for taking the time to do this review. That thing has a SWEET lightsaber look. Love to see that thing in the fog!

Great Review and Pictures!:twothumbs
Thanks for the review, Streamlight Super Tac looks smaller than I thought.
Well, that confirms what another CPFer had told me about his throwing to over 600 measured feet. I never had a chance to push mine quite that far so I was not really sure.

This was my go to light last night when the 'hounds started kicking up a fuss about something lurking in the darkness. It may not have quite the punch or a Derelight or Tiablo and may not be upgradeable, but I still think it is a heck of a bargain for folks that want or need a long thrower with a long warranty provided that you do not mind the size.

JZMTL is correct about the balance and feel of this light too. Despite its size and apparent awkwardness it really is easy to handle and use. And I can't wait to fire it up in some heavy fog either!
Great review!
Why would Stream Light come short with such a potential light design by using a "weaker" LED?
Like like that everything is replaceable, but the polycarbonate lens is a slight bummer. I wonder if it still mod-able like the Ultra stinger? Some UL owners have replaced their poly lens with glass.
I've also seen them in LeBaron, not badly priced.

On the Streamlight site, they also show you can get a holster for them. I can't imagine them being comfy for lugging around on a chase through the woods.

They are a nice throwmonster!!
Like like that everything is replaceable, but the polycarbonate lens is a slight bummer. I wonder if it still mod-able like the Ultra stinger? Some UL owners have replaced their poly lens with glass.

I suppose you can try to force it out, but I'm not about to try that with my brand new light. :D

I've also seen them in LeBaron, not badly priced.

On the Streamlight site, they also show you can get a holster for them. I can't imagine them being comfy for lugging around on a chase through the woods.

They are a nice throwmonster!!

I forgot to mention the holsters comes with it, which is even bigger than the light.

Battery junction has it for $77.95 so I'd say lebaron price is really good for a b&m store.
I just gotta bud in here to say that allthough that light/torch in
my opinion is way BUGLY those beamshots are seriously the best I`ve ever seen....!
Not because they were superscientific rather super-realistic....!!

It just made my day.....:thumbsup:
Very nice review. Must admit to being surprised as Hell that the light comes with a pocket clip. It looks like an oversized head on a TL-2 body.
Very nice review. Must admit to being surprised as Hell that the light comes with a pocket clip. It looks like an oversized head on a TL-2 body.

Yeah I took mine off already, seems the only thing it would do is snag somewhere and get bent. It's held by one hex screw.

Did try to clip it onto my hat, but I have to look up towards the sky so the light could keep level. :laughing: