RGB LED strip diffuser tube


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
I've been playing around with low-cost 3-6 foot remote-controlled RGB LED strips, which are powered from USB. Shorter ones can be had locally for under $5, 6-footers are up to $10-$12.

I spiralled a 6-ft. strip around a 5-foot piece of 1/2 inch white PVC tubing, which made a nice "light pole".

I was thinking of running a strip up the inside of a translucent plastic tube, enough to diffuse the light a bit but not block too much light. Checked around home, nothing suitable. PVC pipe, even thin-walled, is too opaque. Nothing was found in a couple of dollar stores, have yet to check big-box outlets. I'd like to find something simple and cheap OTC, say
1/2 to 1 inch diameter, 3-6 foot length.

Diffuser from a LED 4-foot T8 tube which is plastic (plenty of glass ones still) occurred to me but I don't have any which are defective and ready to take apart.

Any ideas?

White PEX pipe might be translucent enough, if your local hardware store carries it
OK thanks, not familiar with PEX but now know what it is, HD should have some locally. However, I am looking for rigid tube which stands up on its own, a sort of light tower supported at the base.

Checked another 2nd-hand store and one large chain, found nothing remotely suitable, new or used, raw material or finished product, strange. Hoping to avoid specialty high-priced items if possible. Even clear plastic could be sanded for diffusion. I'll keep looking.

I found rigid PEX at HD but it is about the same opaqueness as white PVC.

Took a trip to Ikea, had a good look around but did not see anything close. Funny how such a simple item can be this elusive.

Closest I've found which is not all that close, is a 4-foot clear plastic T8 or T12 tube protector, around $8 at HD. I'd need to sand or otherwise treat the surface to make it translucent.

I tried rigid white 1/2" PEX tubing, found 5-foot length for $4 at HD. It's not too opaque but created a light "ring" effect with LEDs on the strip, interesting but not what I wanted.

I also found a 4-foot length of straight polyethylene foam tubing similar to insulating sleeves used on small water pipes, in translucent colours. It has better diffusion and cost $1.50 at Dollar Tree. This one is green, sort of biases the effect, but know where to find a clear version.
