River Rock AA 1 Watt LED Runtime Test.


Jun 17, 2006
Got one of these from Target today. 22.99 Very well made. Resembles the Nuwai X-1. I ran it for 30 min on, 30 min off until I had run it for two hours. At the end of two hours of run time the light just shut off. The best part was that for the two hours of run time there was no noticeable drop in brightness. I checked the battery when the light shutoff and it read 1.3 volts. Switch is a bit hard to get too. You have to press it with your index finger. Havent tried to get into it yet. Might do that this weekend. Not a bad little light.
Hi there mhubble, is this an alkaline or rechargeable cell? If it's alkaline, stick it back in the light and you'll get additional runtime. Check again the open circuit voltage when the light dies and tell us what it is.

Can you tell what kind of LED it has in it? I must go to Target and check out the lights!
I would really like to see a keychain AA LED made out of the same type of material as the Surefire G2 (nitrolon) with the Seoul P4 LED. That would be awesome.
It says on the package Luxeon 1 watt.

It also claims 42 lumens but is nowhere near as bright as my HDS EDC42.
I would rate it about 25 lumens.
Mine has a nicely centered LED and has a good tint that leans to a tad bit blue.

I bought it just to try out. If somebody who doesn't have a target nearby I'll sell at cost, ship it cheap and include a free Energizer charger.

Its an all right light, But for the price I'd pony up the extra $5 and get a Fenix L1S from Fenix store
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is this an alkaline or rechargeable cell?

Sorry I left that out, It was a panasonic AA that came with the light. I let the battery rest for 15 min and then turned it back on, lasted about another 5 min and shut off. Looks like this like will work at full brightness until the batrtery reaches around 1.3 volts and then it shuts down.

Can you tell what kind of LED it has in it? I must go to Target and check out the lights!
I would really like to see a keychain AA LED made out of the same type of material as the Surefire G2 (nitrolon) with the Seoul P4 LED. That would be awesome.

All I can say is its a luxeon, its also made out of aluminum and a litlle heavier than most of the single AA lights. For me its too much to put on a key chain.
Was at Target today and picked one of these up. Not a bad light. I really like the clip. If only fenix would make clips similar to the ones on these that would be nice. It actually fits on my L1D very well. Makes a nice baseball cap light!

I put a 14500 in mine just for a few seconds and it was much brighter! I also picked up one of the new riverrock 85 Lumen LED lanterns. It blows my older Coleman LED lantern away!
Eventually Ill go back and get the lantern too. As soon as I pay for all the lights Ive got on order!!!!!!!
I got one a couple weeks ago. I don't have any of the Cree Fenix lights, but compared to my best L1P, I'd say they are the same brightness, but the River Rock seems to have about 25% more throw. I slightly prefer the beam of the Fenix.

Comparing them directly with 2 fresh off the charger Energizer 2500s, the River Rock lasts about 30 minutes of good brightness after the Fenix has obviously dropped in output.

I consider them to be interchangable overall though I definately prefer the Fenix. Decent HAIII, glass lens and slightly smaller. I do like the clip of the River ROck and I like that the center of the body is a smaller diameter than the head tail.

For something that can be bought at a retail store for ~$23, I think it's a fine light. Just wish it had a glass lens as mine already shows minor scratches and I haven't carried it my pocket at all.

And on the 14500 issue, I have about 2.5 hours on mine. Three straight runs and the rest intermittant use. It looks to be a little over twice as bright with the 14500 as with an NiMH cell.
Yup, just got it at Target, too. If I didn't like it, I could easily return it. Boy am I soooo not returning it! :)

The new RR 1 Watt x 1AA is pretty nice! It was a tad brighter than my Dorcy Super Watt [1W by 1 cr123] [at least to my eyes]. The CR123-battery was a fairly new Surefire 123, too.
It stomped my TaskForce 1Wx1AA I got from Lowe's awhile ago. [I know the 2C version is a thrower, but not the 1Wx1AA :( ]

So, I'm happy with this purchase. I have rechargeable AA Nimhs that I can use which would be cheaper than feeding CR123s to my Dorcy [which I'm fond of]

So, for now, it's my new EDC. [along with my Dorcy].


btw, thanks for the runtime report.
I e-mailed Riverrock about getting some more of the clips for my other AA lights. They responded and said that their on-line store is not ready yet and they will keep my e-mail on file and let me know when the store is ready.

I e-mailed Riverrock about getting some more of the clips for my other AA lights. They responded and said that their on-line store is not ready yet and they will keep my e-mail on file and let me know when the store is ready.

Online store? Its about time. I could use a few of those clips myself.
I love mine. My girlfriend complained that the switch was hard to push with her thumb, but I have no trouble.
Can you find out if they plan to put a new generatino led into any of their lights?

light_emitting_dude said:
I e-mailed Riverrock about getting some more of the clips for my other AA lights. They responded and said that their on-line store is not ready yet and they will keep my e-mail on file and let me know when the store is ready.

cratz2 said:
I got one a couple weeks ago. I don't have any of the Cree Fenix lights, but compared to my best L1P, I'd say they are the same brightness, but the River Rock seems to have about 25% more throw. I slightly prefer the beam of the Fenix.

Comparing them directly with 2 fresh off the charger Energizer 2500s, the River Rock lasts about 30 minutes of good brightness after the Fenix has obviously dropped in output.

I consider them to be interchangable overall though I definately prefer the Fenix. Decent HAIII, glass lens and slightly smaller. I do like the clip of the River ROck and I like that the center of the body is a smaller diameter than the head tail.

For something that can be bought at a retail store for ~$23, I think it's a fine light. Just wish it had a glass lens as mine already shows minor scratches and I haven't carried it my pocket at all.

And on the 14500 issue, I have about 2.5 hours on mine. Three straight runs and the rest intermittant use. It looks to be a little over twice as bright with the 14500 as with an NiMH cell.

So you're saying you ran the light with 14500's? Were these the popular ultrafire unprotected cells that are usually sold around here? I'm curious since I was thinking of buying this light and using 14500's with it.
light_emitting_dude said:
I am using mine with the ultrafire 14500 also and it is a noticable difference!

Okay, just checking in since I didn't want to damage the light by putting in 14500's just in case. I'm assuming it runs off direct drive with 14500's?
AlgaeEater said:
So you're saying you ran the light with 14500's? Were these the popular ultrafire unprotected cells that are usually sold around here? I'm curious since I was thinking of buying this light and using 14500's with it.

I'm not recommending they be used with 14500s, but mine has gone through a few charge cycles and it doesn't seem to have lost any brightness. As I said, I think the LED can take it just fine, but if there is a component on the board that can't take the voltage, then it would fail and depending on which component that was, would either leave the light completely dead or possibly only able run on a 14500 and would lose the boost portion of the circuit.

The light does get a bit warmer on a 14500 which is probably a good thing... at least we know the heatsinking is working decently.

I have two of AWs original 14500 cells and I have 5 from a generic battery source from before AW was selling LiIons on CPF.
cratz2 said:
I'm not recommending they be used with 14500s, but mine has gone through a few charge cycles and it doesn't seem to have lost any brightness. As I said, I think the LED can take it just fine, but if there is a component on the board that can't take the voltage, then it would fail and depending on which component that was, would either leave the light completely dead or possibly only able run on a 14500 and would lose the boost portion of the circuit.

The light does get a bit warmer on a 14500 which is probably a good thing... at least we know the heatsinking is working decently.

I have two of AWs original 14500 cells and I have 5 from a generic battery source from before AW was selling LiIons on CPF.

Ditto. Use a 14500 at your own risk.
Ive tried for a couple of days now to get inside this light and nothing works. It must be epoxyed really well. I cant even get to the switch.
mhubble said:
Ive tried for a couple of days now to get inside this light and nothing works. It must be epoxyed really well. I cant even get to the switch.

Someone in the other thread on this page said he got in, but the module is pretty much completely epoxied so even one you get in, it'll be a lot of work to be able to mod it.