ROF factory's OSRAM OSTAR 1,200lm LE UW E3B Special light for OSRAM Japan


Retired Administrator
Jun 13, 2006
ROF factory's OSRAM OSTAR 1,200lm LE UW E3B Special light for OSRAM Japan


[SIZE=-1]R2X OSTAR light is not for sale. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] The price would be : The Corporate retail price should be US$10,000 include insured shipping, all required documents and warranty for 100 operation hours or a year from design and manyfacturing cost. Personal cllector's retail price US$5,000 including insured shipping and warranty even on below break even cost. But collector's warranty is not for heavy duty use. CPF/CLF price available on rquest base. All prices do not include local tax, VAT, import tax or other required tax. (The retail might be reduced in case we could make more production.) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] Yet, All copy right and intellectual properties reserved. Mass mediaublishing / on air fee shall be charged.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] Patents pending.[/SIZE]
Hi Norm.
This is why I should have kept your credit card details six months ago:nana:. All the best, Tom.
Tom this is why my credit limit is deliberately kept very low :)
Cheers Norm
I guess I don't understand the price especially considering it's not for sale. :thinking:
Um so what's the point of this post? :confused:
And what's so special about a cherry-picked Osram emitter in an overpriced light? Take any huge rod of Titanium and make tons of unnecessary machining and it'll drive up the cost.
Light Engine sounds just like what's in Arc Mania's KL4 15W Ostar in B/S/T but at a much more affordable price.
I guess I don't understand the price especially considering it's not for sale. :thinking:

Well, its the cost to make the single light. Its more like an advertisement for their prototyping/design capabilities ("You want a unique light designed from scratch? We can do something that complex for only 10k!").

Seeing the costs they mentioned, i think production in larger numbers could push it well below 1K.

Ah, and i really would like to have an OSTAR tested to 1200l@1A :)
It looks like it wouldn't be a comfortable fit in the hand but at this price who would want to use it.
Could be that Flashaholics are interested in flashlights.
Especially exotic flashlights :ohgeez:

Well, yeah but you never made much of a comment; just posted a pic, a link, and a quote... no substance or anything. More like an ad than a discussion thread when it was posted.
What the heck is this?!? $5,000 light!

They're calling it the 'brightest quality led in the world'!

I don't think many people would EDC one of these! :D
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Re: What the heck is this?!? $5,000 light!

Excellent body, love those multi-piece designs, but it's just bare aluminum - for five grand it'd have to be at least silver..
Re: What the heck is this?!? $5,000 light!

Does not look like a thrower, but that LED could have serious application in house lighting.
For $10,000 you could make your own light that's even brighter...:D

...then again you could just get an HID. Or a few with that price tag.
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