ROP and Mag85 - First Time Mods


Newly Enlightened
Sep 18, 2008
Hi CPF folks,

I found this site about 6 months or so ago, and have been reading a lot and learning a lot since then. Now, I think I am addicted, and I fear this first post of mine will be the beginning of a very addictive hobby. I ordered all the parts for my first ROP build, and after that, I plan on doing a Mag85. See what you all have done!? You took an innocent girl and made a fiend out of her...thanks a lot!! :twothumbs;)

I look forward to learning a lot more and having some fun conversing and playing with new lights!

Hi CPF folks,

I found this site about 6 months or so ago, and have been reading a lot and learning a lot since then. Now, I think I am addicted, and I fear this first post of mine will be the beginning of a very addictive hobby. I ordered all the parts for my first ROP build, and after that, I plan on doing a Mag85. See what you all have done!? You took an innocent girl and made a fiend out of her...thanks a lot!! :twothumbs;)

I look forward to learning a lot more and having some fun conversing and playing with new lights!


Welcome Emily :wave:. You're gonna have a lot of fun.
Thanks guys,

This appears to be a male dominated hobby....are there any other ladies around, or do I get all the guys to myself? lol:p
Welcome to CPF. There are quite a few female members here but most of them don't reveal it straight out in the open.
Ok guys,

I just recently completed my first ROP.

It is very basic and simple. I got a borofloat lens, LOP and MOP camless reflector from the Sandwich Shop, 6AA holder, Sanyo 2700's, and the bulbs. After switching it on, my heart sank. I was expecting something beautiful, but quite honestly, the beam was ugly. Tons of artifacts, not much of a hot spot, and just overall not what I was expecting. Definitely a TON of light, but a very ugly beam. I thought the MOP would smooth out the ugliness, but that was not the case for me.

Is this normal for ROPs?? Did I do something wrong? I'm thinking maybe I should try a Cammed Reflector to focus the beam for a better hot spot and less ugliness/artifacts?? Any ideas or suggestions? I would appreciate your help.


I have been looking for CBP1650's, but can't seem to find them online. Have the Elite 1700's taken over that role?

If I buy the Elite 1700's will I get the same performance out of them that the CBP1650's offer?

i think both the 1700 and 1650 are high current cells...and they should both do better(provide higher output withough sagging too much) in "high" current draw incandecents than most other cells..for example...the eneloop..
I think I am going to try some focus shims to get the beam nicer...but can anyone offer any other ideas or suggestions as to why my ROP beam sucks? Is there a better options than the modamag camless reflector?
I think I am going to try some focus shims to get the beam nicer...but can anyone offer any other ideas or suggestions as to why my ROP beam sucks? Is there a better options than the modamag camless reflector?

Badger Girl, is the head of your light screwed all the way on? I just got my ROP together about 10 days ago and found that I had to back the head off until the o-ring was partially exposed to get a good beam with the Modamag MOP. With the head tightened all the way down, the beam pretty much matched your description.
Badger Girl, is the head of your light screwed all the way on? I just got my ROP together about 10 days ago and found that I had to back the head off until the o-ring was partially exposed to get a good beam with the Modamag MOP. With the head tightened all the way down, the beam pretty much matched your description.


Your description perfectly matches what I have experienced. The problem is that I want the head on tight. Exposing an o-ring in order to get a good focus makes it all loosy-goosy and noisy and wobbly...I don't like that.

Can anyone advise on the differences among possible reflectors and is there something better than the modamag MOP?
First let's see if your set up can focus axially. With safety glasses on, take off the bezel and grip the edge of the reflector with one finger and a thumb. In less than about 7 second intervals of the flashlight being on, move the reflector up slightly. This should show if shimming it will work as a fix. If it does good. Next, you may want to look at the laterals (horizontal and longitudinal) focus. With a PR based bulb dialing in the lateral focus can be accomplished by bending one side of the base flange up or down. Here's what a well focused ROP beam should look like. The first photo is an underexposed "white wall hunter" shot. The second photo is an overexposed "Integrated Tree" shot showing how a white wall shot translates to the real world.


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I have the same problem with a MAG 85 I built. :popcorn:
I tried cammed and camless.