Run time test: Energizer 2500MAh NiMH & Nite-Ize LRB-07-PR-ML

jerry i h

Jul 26, 2007
Berkeley, CA
The main culprit here is the budget power-failure light Vector BL350. When I first bought it, it had 2 generic NiCd's. Once a month, I would completely drain them to give them a bit of exercise and so I could judge when they needed replacing. Problem: this beastie comes with a typical, generic, 2.4V PR incan bulb. All by itself, this thing was safety hazard: the light it gave was so dim during a power outage, that it was dangerous to try to navigate about the room using this thing alone. I put in the Nite-Ize, and it was passable. The Vector has 2 modes: normal, and when you pull it out from the wall and flip closed the prongs, it seems to give the bulb a high voltage (no, I did not measure either mode).
So, I simply pulled out the Vector containing the Energizer that had been trickled for a month. After 24 hours, the light was still the same. After 6 more hours, it became noticeably weak, and I stopped the test; when I flipped the plug closed to increase the voltage, the Nite-Ize did not light.
SO: I would say that the continuous run time with these components is more or less 24 hours. Not bad for mediocre, budget components.