Running flashlight off of power supply


Newly Enlightened
Apr 21, 2009
I have this really nicely regulated 2A, 5.01 V power supply (wall-wart) from a dead modem/router and I also have a Romisen RC-N3 II from shiningbeam on the way. Can someone recommend a way to run the flashlight off of that power supply?

I'm probably going to use a LM317T Regulator to step down the voltage, but I don't know how to get power going inside the flashlight without drilling anything.
The RC-N3 has a boost circuit, which rases the voltage from 3v to what the LED needs (around 3.5-3.7v). Your power supply has too high of a voltage.

You'll need a light with a buck circuit.

Oh, I see you'll will lower the voltage. You can probably solder the positive wire to the center contact of the head and the negative wire to the outer contact of the head.
I'm hoping what I can do is use some kind of AA-sized drop-in that has wires leading outside, so I can just dissasamble the light and switch from wall to battery power quickly, without having to solder anything. What I'm really looking for is a way to get the wires outside.