Running Songs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
I am sick of being unfit....soooo i am gonna start need nice blood rushing, hyper, pumping songs. Suggestions?

Common one seems to be Eye of the Tiger....

this is what i have so far..

Eye of the tiger
Lose Yourself -Eminem
The Distance
Till I Collapse
Remember the name - fort minor
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
Welcome to the Jungle
Pump it - Black Eyed Peas
Holiday - Green Day
Firestarter - Prodigy
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Running Free - Iron Maiden

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Start slow, foot doctors love old runners ;)
I use the podcasts from, which follow the "Couch to 5K" programme from cool It seems to work pretty well- I feel much fitter and stronger. Only one downside- the music sucks big time, so good luck!
Sadly after years of running my knees are beginning to show the miles so I took up cycling to keep in shape. Back in the day when I was training I found it so much easier to run while singing those military cadence songs. You know the ones you always hear the military gropus chanting while they train and run.

It really does help to keep your breathing regulated and kind of keeps your mind off the actual running part. I was shocked to find we had covered 5 miles and did not even feel it as we awere all singing the same cadence.

I am not sure where you would even find these songs however in the academy we made up our own as the troop leader would take lead and we would repeat every verse he started with.....kind of like... "Hey Sgt. Dunn now cant you see this little run aint S%@T to me...I say we run all day and we run all night and we run your old *** out of site...paint my face all black and will never see me coming cause I'm a U.S. marine"

Just have fun with it and it does help believe me.
List of Demands - Saul Williams (song from the Nike "better" commercials
Bodyrock - Moby
Stronger - Kanye West
Get Rhythm - Johnny Cash
Travelin' Band - CCR
Ladies & Gentlemen - Saliva
Icky Thump - The White Stripes
Steady as She Goes - The Raconteurs
Good Times, Bad Times - Led Zepplin
Free - Donavan Frankenreiter
Fight Outa You - Ben Harper
Try Again - Aaliyah

With these recommendations in mind, I don't actually run with music. I'd rather be out there without the distractions of a music player/headphones. However, I'll usually play a song or two to "get up" for a run. I run between 25-40 miles a week. My favorite race (so far) is the half-marathon, I've run six of them so far and I'm running the Indi Mini in two weeks. Just like flashlights, running can easily 'hook' you.
Two oldies before your time but they would get my heart pumping is

Radar Love by Golden Earing
I can't drive 55 by Sammy Hagar
Shoot, what's that old song from the 60s that has a line something like we were going so fast the telephone poles looked like picket fences.
How bout the Top Gun soundtrack?

For 'energy' dance/techno types tend to be good choices.

For the hardcore, here to kick *** stuff, even some metal and especially industrial can be motivating.

Poor choices - classical/opera/show tunes/folk etc.. Though I listen to all but the show tunes lol
GP - I think that was "Hotrod Lincoln" - classic Hillbilly (before C&W ) from the 50's/60's?
Another possible running song, "The Dueling Banjos", done by many. It starts off slow, so you can warm up and then you can start to pick it up when the song does as well and you'll be sprinting at the end.
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," by Daft Punk, the song that Kanye West's "Stronger" is largely based on, is my all time pump-me-up song. When I'm using the eliptical machine at the "Y," and I'm down to the last few minutes, I put that one on and I can't help but to move as fast as I possibly can. Same thing happens when I'm on my bike. There's also one by Emily King called "walk in my shoes" that gets me going pretty good.

Just realized that the version of "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" that I've been listening to is a remix. I'll try to get the maker's name, later. I listened to the original, this morning, though, and it also has a similar effect, though the remix is like an overdrive version of it.
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Four suggestions I have right off the bat are:

"Harm's Way" by Anthrax
"Alpha Male" by Anthrax
"Faster than the Speed of Light" by Raven
"Orion" by Metallica
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"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," by Daft Punk, the song that Kanye West's "Stronger" is largely based on, is my all time pump-me-up song. When I'm using the eliptical machine at the "Y," and I'm down to the last few minutes, I put that one on and I can't help but to move as fast as I possibly can. Same thing happens when I'm on my bike. There's also one by Emily King called "walk in my shoes" that gets me going pretty good.

Just realized that the version of "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" that I've been listening to is a remix. I'll try to get the maker's name, later. I listened to the original, this morning, though, and it also has a similar effect, though the remix is like an overdrive version of it.

sorry to say, but i think kayne west ruined the song...i love the original, and refuse to have the KW version on my mp3...:eek:

Funniest thing today....Josh Groban and the Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack got me thru the the first half, almost 2/3 of my run...then turned it to Iron Maiden's Running Free, then Eye of the tiger, then Danger Zone (from the topgun soundtrack), then i sprinted on the literal home stretch (one big round, and im back at home) so my ear pieces came out.

anyway, i just made a thread at men's health forums..anyone visit there?

thanks for the help guys!

Ill be trying out all these suggestions.

Don't you just love it when you can tell someone's age by their music. But I am a Kid Rock fan, if that counts.