Runtime chart: Led Lenser P5 vs Nitecore D10


Oct 19, 2008
so after I got the lux meter I decided to do some runtime charts... hope this is the way they should be done. lovecpf

First the Led Lenser P5 with a fully charged Duracell 2650mah Nimh:


Runtime to 50% was 113mins

Now the Nitecore D10 also with Duracell 2650mah and I also installed a termometer to read the surface temperature on the light.


Runtime to 50% was 75mins.

Room temperature was 22ºC ... light started at 23,2ºC and reached a max of 34,7ºC at 70mins.

Here is also both... regulated vs non regulated :whistle:


Remember the Led Lenser is on Spot so it has a very high lux reading... but the light is "only" 65lumens vs 130 on the D10.

I really light the fact that after 2h I still have light to move around on a dark place... where the D10 after 75mins you have less then 10mins of light to "find the door" :naughty:

I also did some runtime readings on the MTE P7 and the NDI on li-ions... the MTE reached 43,5ºC after 25mins on high :eek:

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Hmm, pretty interesting comparison because of the regulated vs unregulated lights :twothumbs
Too bad the lux output levels are not directly comparable for light/power efficiency tho.
A more accurate comparison would be to scale the starting output of the P5 to approximately 30% of the starting value of the D10.

That would put them on approximately the same total output scale.
A more accurate comparison would be to scale the starting output of the P5 to approximately 30% of the starting value of the D10.

That would put them on approximately the same total output scale.

Just out of the curiosity, how did you come up with that 30%?
I can also turn the Lux number into percentage ... beeing 4450lux (max the P5 read) the 100% and 1370 on the D10.

Im not trying to compare output , I could have done this on flood on the P5 but this way its easier to tell the difference.

BTW , the P5 after 3h still had light to see something... more less light a cellphone lol

The NDI on Li-ion lasted for 82mins before starting to blink... very good regulation but its "sad" that in the end you get all or nothing.


P.S. Is this topic on the right place?
What distance were the lux readings measured at? 1 meter?
Hehe, I think that the brand names affect your percentages little more than they should on this one.. ;)

Okay, you figure your own derating factor which includes taking into account thermal resistance, emitter lumens, rating at peak lumens, and marketing exaggerations. I'll give you a hint, even if you took the claim at face value, it's still 50% at BEST.
Wow...amazing throw for an AA light
I assume that P5 throws even better than SUREFIRE E1B , but it's not regulated or it's semiregulated on NiMH . No wonder why it's costing so much...the throw is impressive !
Okay, you figure your own derating factor which includes taking into account thermal resistance, emitter lumens, rating at peak lumens, and marketing exaggerations. I'll give you a hint, even if you took the claim at face value, it's still 50% at BEST.

Thermal resistance has nothing to do with this, the marketing exaggerations are the only factors here if we are calculating the percentage by this information.
I was just implying that you seem to be expecting the worst from one of the products, and the best from the other. So if the marketing exaggerations go the other way you assumed the factor could be even more than the 50%.
Where did you find the information that led lenser would have given the lumen ratings as "theoretical emitter peak lumens"? ..and the reviews here have shown that D10 is not as bright with Nimh cells as it is on 14500, even tho nitecore claims the brightness is the same with both.
But it is pretty pointless to argue over this since we don't seem to have enough reliable information for any kind of calculations :D
Thermal resistance has nothing to do with this, the marketing exaggerations are the only factors here if we are calculating the percentage by this information.

Marketing includes: advertising theoretical emitter lumens, not taking into account optical losses, not taking into account the junction temperature, etc.

So yes, they do have everything to do with the % derating factor.

As-is, it's comparing apples to oranges. After taking a swag using a little common sense and basic some math skills, you can get to at least comparing oranges to tangerines.

It's all about using the best information available, even if you know it's not 100%. That's how the world works...
Marketing includes: advertising theoretical emitter lumens, not taking into account optical losses, not taking into account the junction temperature, etc.

With integrating sphere there's no need do all that in theory, they can just measure it. So it's all about marketing decisions if the numbers are boasted. Not sure if Nitecore has one on their disposal tho.
And guessing that only one has been boasting their numbers do not make the results seem any more reliable.
But I'll stop this now.. really :whistle:
D10 on li-ions reads more less costant 1550lux with a peak of 1700lux.

radu1976: All the Led lenser lights in the Professional series have incredible throw. My P7 read nearly 11000lux... Im still wating for the P14 that I sold to a friend but it will be really impressive too.

I was not trying to compare the lights in output put usage in its capacity. Also I was testing this 2650cells and they seem to be very good since eneloops last 49mins in the D10 and this one lasted 75mins.. that is nearly 50% more runtime the eneloops!
(Im also not trying to compare them but still even if this cells loose a lot of power sitting around they will still have more then eneloops).

Today will do a runtime on the L0D in 1000mah... with temp loging too ;)

Very nice work on this review. 65 lumens for the LLP5 seems WAAAY too conservative to me, doing a ceiling bounce test comparing the P5 to my Task Force 2C Cree ("theoretical" 150 lumens) both using just-charged nimh's, the P5 looks to BEST the TF at overall output, maybe Led Lenser measured the lumens in the middle of its runtime using alkalines. I see lights for what they ARE, not for their brand, and the new LL line is pretty friggin' awesome. When someone absolutely hates a certain brand, you've gotta expect everything they'll say about its products will be negative.
Reviving this old thread:

Did some surfing after i bought my LED Lenser P5 and my latest P14 (now THAT is a light). Read with interest this old thread where the runtime was clost to 180 minutes (which is in line with what LED Lenser's website states the runtime for the P5 is).

In my random surfing i came across this video where it claims the runtime is stated to be "more than 10 hours with only one battery", pause the video at the 0:09 mark and look at the box.

From what i can gather from youtube, this video was posted on December 29, 2008 and the latest comment was just a week ago.

I can't seem to find the box my light came in, so i want to ask you guys, is there some other version of the LL P5 running around that i dont know about?

I'm doin an amateur runtime test now, have an eveready energizer AA with about 1.42 volts left and turned it on 37 minutes ago and gonna stay up to see how long it lasts (crude i know :D )

Love this little light, posted something on CPF about this too but i don't think much more needs to be said about this light, its great! awesome output for a primary AA and also on nimh!

doesnt run on 14500 though, i bit the bullet and tried, it just flashed once and didnt turn on, thought i had killed the light but it still worked once i put in an eneloop.

EDIT: ran the P5 on the energizer cell for 69 minutes before turning it off and going to sleep, did another test for another 145 minutes and the light is still on, granted its not as bright as before and the energizer is down to 1.17 volts but the light is still more than usable! Found my box that the light came in and it states on the top right hand corner of the cver "3 hrs burning life". weird, mine seems to have gone more than that on a partially depleted energizer AA.
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well... the led lenser website is claiming this p5 has 95 lumens now but still shows the same model #8405.

Even though it's not regulated, I really want to pick one up at my local store which sells the 59 lumen model for $50.00. I've never seen a AA light throw or flood like this light can.

is it worth it?

And are u able to tell when this light is running out of power?

For regulated lights, there is a sudden drop in output so i know when to have an extra battery handy, but it gets tricky with unregulated.
Well I have been a bit "away" from this forum since some other things came up in my life , but I still own all the lights I say here.
The MTE is now my cars "queen" as the 18650 last for a really long time , and the L0D is always in my pocket but here is the interesting thing.

Teh NDI , D10 and P5 are always around my house and when some light is needed every one goes for the P5... I always had the D10 and NDI with Li-ions and its really anoying when they run out of light...

But stil , they are complitly diferent lights , I still love the NDI but as here is summer I dont use that much lights.

Will also buy a H7 Led Lenser in a near future ;)