For the past few days, an unhealthy seagull has been wandering around the job site. There's definitely something wrong with him. The average seagull will quickly turn and scoot away on foot if a person approaches him, even if you approach slowly. Quicken your pace or make a loud sound, and they fly off instantly.
However, this one just very slowly walks by you when you walk right up next to him. He doesn't so much as walk as drunkenly take a few steps in the opposite direction. Then he just stops and stands there... If he doesn't fall down on his face and quickly get up. I was trying to shoe him away from some heavy machinery so he wouldn't get hurt. Wasn't my intention to make him hit his head on the concrete. (He literally behaves like a highly intoxicated person would).
He doesn't fly at all. Just slowly walks around all over the place. He won't even get out of the way of a fast-approaching vehicle. He had a couple of close calls. I've walked right up to him, he doesn't seem physically injured. No broken wings. He just doesn't fly. Sometimes he'll just sit in the grass. He goes days without eating. I tried to feed him, even though part of me hates birds. Made a water dish for him from the plastic bottom of a 1 liter coke bottle. Nothing works.
Told others about him. But no one with a position of authority at the job site could care less. Then things really got odd...
Making my rounds today, outdoors; and I see what looks like two seagulls mating in the middle of the road that leads to a fenced off area of the job site. Get a little closer, because I need to check the locked gate behind them, and I realize it's something else. A healthy seagull found the sick one, pinned him to the ground, got on top of his back, and was using his beak like a weapon by jabbing it hard into the body of the sick one, over and over again.
I'm thinking....
I get out of the patrol vehicle, and walk slowly up to them. The healthy and sadistic one, dismounts from the ill one and takes a few steps back. I take a couple of steps back, and the aggressor starts walking back towards the ill one. So I clap, and the sound scares off the healthy one. The ill one walks over to the grass and just lays down on his belly, like he's about to take a nap.
I take a closer look, and find a few bits of food over where the one-sided fight took place. All that, over a tiny bit of food. Bad enough the animal is clearly sick, possibly dying. But to get attacked by another, healthier, seagull... Just doesn't seem right.
Maybe he wasn't sadistic. Maybe that's just how animals are. A weaker member of your species has a bit of food... Go kill him and take it from him. I don't know. Just kinda bothered me. It's late, I'm tired, just thought I'd share.
However, this one just very slowly walks by you when you walk right up next to him. He doesn't so much as walk as drunkenly take a few steps in the opposite direction. Then he just stops and stands there... If he doesn't fall down on his face and quickly get up. I was trying to shoe him away from some heavy machinery so he wouldn't get hurt. Wasn't my intention to make him hit his head on the concrete. (He literally behaves like a highly intoxicated person would).
He doesn't fly at all. Just slowly walks around all over the place. He won't even get out of the way of a fast-approaching vehicle. He had a couple of close calls. I've walked right up to him, he doesn't seem physically injured. No broken wings. He just doesn't fly. Sometimes he'll just sit in the grass. He goes days without eating. I tried to feed him, even though part of me hates birds. Made a water dish for him from the plastic bottom of a 1 liter coke bottle. Nothing works.
Told others about him. But no one with a position of authority at the job site could care less. Then things really got odd...
Making my rounds today, outdoors; and I see what looks like two seagulls mating in the middle of the road that leads to a fenced off area of the job site. Get a little closer, because I need to check the locked gate behind them, and I realize it's something else. A healthy seagull found the sick one, pinned him to the ground, got on top of his back, and was using his beak like a weapon by jabbing it hard into the body of the sick one, over and over again.
I'm thinking....

I get out of the patrol vehicle, and walk slowly up to them. The healthy and sadistic one, dismounts from the ill one and takes a few steps back. I take a couple of steps back, and the aggressor starts walking back towards the ill one. So I clap, and the sound scares off the healthy one. The ill one walks over to the grass and just lays down on his belly, like he's about to take a nap.
I take a closer look, and find a few bits of food over where the one-sided fight took place. All that, over a tiny bit of food. Bad enough the animal is clearly sick, possibly dying. But to get attacked by another, healthier, seagull... Just doesn't seem right.
Maybe he wasn't sadistic. Maybe that's just how animals are. A weaker member of your species has a bit of food... Go kill him and take it from him. I don't know. Just kinda bothered me. It's late, I'm tired, just thought I'd share.