safe difference in rcr123


Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2008
How big differenc is okey is it like 0.05 v or less ?
when batterys com of the charger at 4.16v-4.19v is that safe ?
Any respons is welcome


Hmm to bee clear my question is how close in volt do one have to bee when matching batterys to not vent i flames ... anybody ?
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Hello Micke,

Protected or bare cells?

I usually try limit the difference to 0.01 volts maximum between all cells, but I think 0.02 is OK.

The voltage unbalance will effect performance and possibly cycle life. The vent with flame issues occur during charging.

I am going to move this thread over to batteries and electronics.

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Okey its protected rcr123:s im thougt about and realy wasnt thinking of hmm chargin but rather when il use the batterys in the light :) sorry about the porly whey to ask the Q but English isnt my nativ-lang .
Any way thanks fore the anser / Micke
Hello Micke,

If your cells get out of balance, the weakest cell will trip the low voltage cut off first. This means that you will have less runtime than if all the cells were well balanced.

If you charge each cell individually, you don't have to worry about balance when charging them. Balance becomes an issue when charging several cells in series. Protected cells will keep safety issues from happening during charging, but if you charge protected cells in series, the first cell to reach the high voltage cut off will trip it and you can end up with more imbalance.

Charging cells individually eliminates all of these issues.

As your cells wear out, they will exhibit a higher degree of imbalance. There is not much you can do about this, except to try to start with as close a balance as you can get.
