Self defense flash light laws in Texas

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Newly Enlightened
Jan 10, 2010
I just bought a porcupine style flash light. I was planning on keeping it in my car and was concerned about the laws in Texas. Anyone have any information about this?
It's Texas, you can probably have a flashlight with a bayonet that shoots batteries...
Google "Texas Castle Law".

If you are in imminent danger, you can do anything to protect yourself.
Texas law forbids carrying "clubs." Clubs can mean anything the cop and DA want it to. Sort of like "burglar tools."

The "Castle" law isn't quite that simple, either. You usually have to be in your home or car and someone must be making an illegal entry before it applies.
Texas law forbids carrying "clubs." Clubs can mean anything the cop and DA want it to. Sort of like "burglar tools."

The "Castle" law isn't quite that simple, either. You usually have to be in your home or car and someone must be making an illegal entry before it applies.

I was trying to keep public and private setting separated.
If you live in Texas you probably will not have a problem. If you should decide to move you may have a problem but it will probably be worth it.

Can you post a picture of a "porcupine style" flashlight?
Thanks guys. I'll post pics when it's done. Just ordered all the parts.
Speaking as an officer in the great state of Texas, your fine. You would be hard pressed to find an agency that would give you any grief over that particular light set up. Being a flashaholic myself I have never seen any incidents involving "self defense" lights. You'll be fine. After all, you can carry a pistol in your car loaded as long as its not in plain view.....I'm sure you will be ok. What part of TX you living in?
Texas law forbids carrying "clubs." Clubs can mean anything the cop and DA want it to. Sort of like "burglar tools."

The "Castle" law isn't quite that simple, either. You usually have to be in your home or car and someone must be making an illegal entry before it applies.

Don't run your mouth without knowing the "facts". Direct from the Texas DPS website, posted in Sept. 2007:

HB 1815
excludes from unlawful carrying of a weapon a person who is carrying a handgun,
illegal knife, or club on the person's own premises or premises under their control or inside of or
directly en route to a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or is under their control.


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Don't run your mouth without knowing the "facts". Direct from the Texas DPS website, posted in Sept. 2007:

HB 1815
excludes from unlawful carrying of a weapon a person who is carrying a handgun,
illegal knife, or club on the person's own premises or premises under their control or inside of or
directly en route to a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or is under their control.

You're right, you can carry a club in your car. You can't carry it in general. If you get out of the car and use the "club" light to check a tire or assist someone else, you are technically in violation.

If you'll notice, HB 1815 permits you to carry a club to your car, but it doesn't permit you to take it from your car back to your house. It also doesn't allow you to carry it to your wife's car if you're not the one driving.
By the way,

1) God bless our Texas legislature for passing the "castle" law.

2) It's not quite the "shoot the bad guys" law some people think it is. READ the law. For instance, if someone's breaking into your car and you see them from your house, you don't have free reign to shoot them. You also don't necessarily have the right to shoot someone in your house unless they entered "unlawfully and with force."
If you are in the right, it doesn't matter what the 'law' is.
See jury nullification.
Re: What's a porcupine-style flashlight?

I just bought a porcupine style flash light. I was planning on keeping it in my car and was concerned about the laws in Texas. Anyone have any information about this?

What, exactly, do you mean--a flashlight with retractable spikes, like this K2?
excludes from unlawful carrying of a weapon a person who is carrying a handgun,
illegal knife, or club on the person's own premises or premises under their control or inside of or
directly en route to a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or is under their control.

I'm curious about what this means exactly.
excludes from unlawful carrying of a weapon a person who is carrying a handgun,
illegal knife, or club on the person's own premises or premises under their control or inside of or
directly en route to a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or is under their control.

I'm curious about what this means exactly.

Probably means a rental or place that you live that you don't own.
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