serious help needed (over-spending)


Jun 18, 2008
perths lightening swamp
:ohgeez:this is my spend for the week:
microfire worrier III
NEX10 with engraving
Vital Gear FB1,KL1 with SSC P4 USXOH
L1 cree with 1A boost driver
zebralight H30
kl4 head

update: KL2 Milky Modified X464 'Destroyer II'. 3xSSC P4, USWOH.
Body : Leef 1x18650 HA-NAT.
Tail : SF SW01 Twisty Switch.

now if i add that lot to my sniper P7, derry vb2, derry ch1l, tk10 and various LL's its clear as flashlight i am in serious trouble here. how do i stop? my G/F is gonna kill me:mecry:
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Re: serious help needed

It's happen to me too. I bought lots of flashlights seen I became a member of CPF.

You think you need help, I'm in the same boat as you. I just now take a break and make my mind up, thinking there is always have a better flashlights next year. So I wait for a better lights.

Good luck and hope your GF not going to kill you.:laughing:
Re: serious help needed

No, it's "the one who causes worries". By creating sudden emptiness in one's wallet.
Re: serious help needed

:ohgeez:this is my spend for the week:
microfire worrier III
NEX10 with engraving
Vital Gear FB1,KL1 with SSC P4 USXOH
L1 cree with 1A boost driver
zebralight H30
kl4 head

now if i add that lot to my sniper P7, derry vb2, derry ch1l, tk10 and various LL's its clear as flashlight i am in serious trouble here. how do i stop? my G/F is gonna kill me:mecry:

Think of it this way, if she doesn't kill you, then she's a keeper.
Re: serious help needed

:ohgeez:this is my spend for the week:
microfire worrier III
NEX10 with engraving
Vital Gear FB1,KL1 with SSC P4 USXOH
L1 cree with 1A boost driver
zebralight H30
kl4 head

Just wait 'till the Titanium bug hits you....... :broke:
Re: serious help needed

now if i add that lot to my sniper P7, derry vb2, derry ch1l, tk10 and various LL's its clear as flashlight i am in serious trouble here. how do i stop? my G/F is gonna kill me:mecry:

The solution is so obvious, I can't believe I even have to tell you.

The answer is obviously, GET RID OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND!

Don't thank me now, thank me later...
Re: serious help needed

It is a very expensive hobby. and i really don't know what i shall use all this lights to? (Stupid hobby)

Sometimes i believe i'm crazy because i collect all this lights. And i will only have more of them..Please HELP!! :green:
I bought a new SF E2DL yesterday, and now i'm interested of SF-U2. :party:
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Re: serious help needed

Don't cry my friend. We will help you.

Send that M6 to me (don't forget the accessories) and you will feel much better.

I will even donate to goodwill or something on your behalf.
Re: serious help needed

:ohgeez:this is my spend for the week:
microfire worrier III
NEX10 with engraving
Vital Gear FB1,KL1 with SSC P4 USXOH
L1 cree with 1A boost driver
zebralight H30
kl4 head

.... i am in serious trouble here. how do i stop? my G/F is gonna kill me:mecry:

First, get rid of your Worrier III.... it's clearly having an effect on you. :p

Okay, okay; let me help you out with the G/F part. Just don't tell her. No, seriously; keep your mouth shut. Don't let her see this topic. If you haven't told her about CPF yet, keep it that way! You have nothing to feel guilty about. :twothumbs
Re: serious help needed

...right, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. NO, it is NOT the same thing as cheating..
Re: serious help needed

First, get rid of your Worrier III.... it's clearly having an effect on you. :p

Okay, okay; let me help you out with the G/F part. Just don't tell her. No, seriously; keep your mouth shut. Don't let her see this topic. If you haven't told her about CPF yet, keep it that way! You have nothing to feel guilty about. :twothumbs
i just got the microfire today, had it hand delivered to my place, let me tell ya, THAT is a flashlight. it is awesome:)
now i have had to bribe the posty to hide my parcels, hope he doesnt stuff up, lol, or i am toast.
:ohgeez:this is my spend for the week:
microfire worrier III
NEX10 with engraving
Vital Gear FB1,KL1 with SSC P4 USXOH
L1 cree with 1A boost driver
zebralight H30
kl4 head

now if i add that lot to my sniper P7, derry vb2, derry ch1l, tk10 and various LL's its clear as flashlight i am in serious trouble here. how do i stop? my G/F is gonna kill me:mecry:

Perhaps I can make you feel better if I tell you what I've spent out on this week :devil:
Raw NS + extra cell
Nitecore D10
Fenix E01
16x CR123As
LaCrosse BC-900 pack (batteries, case too)
Some extra LSD NiMH AAA's

Eehh.. I think it's still less than you though, but I wont tell anyone if you wont :sssh:

I'm lucky in that my girlfriend doesn't seem to be bothered by the dozens of flashlights and batteries I have... she finds it useful, infact. Probably because we get a reasonable number of power outages here and we walk outside at night quite often.
I find power outages (shorter ones, not multi-day ones!) to be beneficial because it makes everyone sit back and relax from the television, game console, etc. It creates nice social atmosphere as people end up talking to each other with lack of a better thing to do!

Oh, and it's fun for us flashaholics...
the answer is simple..... SELL a few...

that frees up fund to buy some more. due to liquidity of B/S/T on CPF, your funds can be freed up very quickly. if you buy right to begin with, one should only lose a small amount and/or breakeven + shipping.

that's why my favorite type of lights to buy are used in mint condition.
lights that traditionally hold the highest resale values are... McGizmo for customs, Surefire and Arc for production lights.
Can't believe I'm about to suggest this, blasphemy, I know...

Visit CPF less often, especially the marketplace and enjoy the lights you already have in your collection. :laughing:

That MAY help curb your flashlight spending budget. :popcorn:
I agree with EV_007. Don't get me wrong I love CPF but I also Hate it. It's almost a guarantee that if you visit here you will see something that you will convince yourself you gotta have. Then you'll spend a bit of time rationalizing and you'll think you're gonna resist the urge. But before you know it you'll have a :paypal: sitting in your latest post and you're playing the waiting game for shipping. Then when the light arrives, its a happy time for a week or so at most untill you've found something new and forgotten your last purchase.
The cycle is frustrating.:sigh:

Here's a couple options that help me.
1. You can mod stuff you've already got.
Sure you my not know what you're doing at first but you'll learn and you can make lights that you had written off as "outdated" into "updated":grin2:
2. You can order custom lights.
I'm not talking about pre-made, I'm talking about 100% custom. The key is the long wait time for the machining and custom circuitry. This option is great because you get unique stuff that nobody else has and the ability to design you own stuff. Watch it come into being just for you. Sure it's expensive but not too expensive and the process takes a long time so you can enjoy the wait.
Maybe this will help ya out.
Anyway, girlfriends are better than lights. Neveer forget that.:laughing:
This week:

Nitecore D10
Nitecore NDI
1x AW14500
UF139 Charger
Tritium Keyfob
Holster for another on of my SF lights
Some deoxit red and gold for my lights.

We are all in it together man.... lol We're all doomed.