Set me up with some lights please


Newly Enlightened
Mar 10, 2010
Here is where I need your all's help..
We have not been "flashlight" people here in my house. Don't hardly use them. Have old Mag Lites in each vehicle but bet the batteries are shot (cold winter has taken the toll). Have a few in the house but again the level of "charge" would be suspect other than the poor quality one we leave plugged in.

I am wanting to make a change for safety sake/self protection/defense here is what I am thinking and would appreciate your recommendations:

2 EDC lights…one for me and one for her…requirements obviously are small in size but mighty in features. Lol…really my thoughts are tailcap controls with strobe feature as well as normal use. Something that won't come on easily by accident in my pocket or her purse.

2 for the vehicles…Once again I was thinking the same requirements as above (strobe feature) but could be larger in size than the EDC.

2 for the bedroom…I want one for each of our nightstands, (again strobe feature). Here I am thinking rechargeable.

1 walk the dog light that stays at the back door…again this is primarily a protection/self defense agenda item. I don't need a light for the "quick before bedtime pit stop" but is really foolish not to have one in hand should someone be lurking. Again, rechargeable and strobe.

Now I don't have the resources to Fort Knox at my disposal but as always I prefer quality but at reasonable price.

Thanks for all your help.
I get the fort knox thing but it would really help if you gave us some idea of the overall budget.

So far Quark 123 and 123/2 get my vote.
I'd vote for fenix or quark, single cell for edc, double cell CR123 for cars. If you don't want to get into rechargeables, go with all CR123-based lights and order batteries in bulk online - definitely best performance for price paid.
I am wanting to make a change for safety sake/self protection/defense here is what I am thinking and would appreciate your recommendations
First, forget the self defense thing, flashlight is not a weapon and it does not stop anything.
It barely disorientates the subject for a second giving you enough time to say: Oh s***!

This is a good one:
How about, "What lights can I use for self defense?"

"Sure, you can use [insert bright flashlight here] to blind someone for two seconds, long enough to induce him to walk off a cliff, and hand him an anvil."
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It would really be of help to get an idea of your budget.Meeting your requirements of 7 quality lights could run several hundred dollars easily.
Are you willing to use CR123s or are do you want to stay with common batteries?You may actually be able to upgrade your Maglites for vehicle use and save some money there.Strobe is worthwhile IMO but it can also be a nuisance in everyday flashlight use and you may not want it on all your lights.
I'm with umc and Saint_Dogbert in recommending a Quark to start out.Either the 1XAA or 1XCR123 depending on your battery choice.I would stay away from alkalines, you can get lithium AAs or go with rechargables if they fit your needs.The Quark is an excellent light that is EDC size but capable enough for you to evaluate your needs further before you spend a large amount of money on multiple lights.CPF can be overwhelming at first but it pays to hang around for a while digesting the information and doing a few searches before spending your money.Once you get your first light you may change your mind about what you really want/need.One word of warning- hang on to your wallet!
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Where do you live?

It sounds like you need a cheap Maglite and a gun:)

A strobe for your nightstand light?
I'd suggest getting a couple Quark MiNi AA's for your EDC's, and use the Quark AA for all other places.

You'd get your strobe, they would all use the most ubiquitous battery on earth, and only one of them so you'd always be able to find power. The MiNi's are very small, easy to use, powerful and you never need to see the strobe unless you want to. Not only that, they're a piece of cake to learn.

Wide range of output, especially for the Quark AA's.
what would anyone actually use a strobe for??? i have may be 6-7 lights with strobe functions, never used it, most useless function imo.
as for self defence, lol any light mounted to a gun is fine.
what would anyone actually use a strobe for??? i have may be 6-7 lights with strobe functions, never used it, most useless function imo.
as for self defence, lol any light mounted to a gun is fine.
Doesn't matter, the OP said he wants it, so it's not up for discussion.

+1 to your second point!
People have said it all.

But I need to talk about strobe. While most flashlights these days have strobe, I do not think it is necessary at all.

I remember when the Gladius (to my knowledge the first LED flashlight with a strobe, or at least the first one with a big name behind it) came out in 2005. I attended training ran by Strategos. They made it sound like the Strobe feature was going to change flashlights forever. They claimed it was so "disorienting"that a person would physically be unable to move towards you. Years later it is quite clear to me that when you shine a flashlight in anyone's eyes, every single human does the same thing; either closes their eyes or shields them somehow. And a determined person is still quite capable of walking towards a strobing light. Either way they are not looking into your disorienting beam of death. Sure you achieve your goal of effectively blinding them and wrecking their night vision. But I knew that is the exact same thing a non-strobe flashlight would do. 6 years of working mostly night shifts has proven this to me time and time again.

Some members of the forum have found useful things to do with the strobe mode. But to my knowledge none of it has involved self defense. So if you find the otherwise perfect flashlight for your needs, I would not let lack of strobe be a deal breaker.

A flashlight is an amazing tool. But do not build your self defense around one. Make sure you are taking other precautious for your safety above and beyond some photons.

In my bedroom I have two self defense items. An old Inova X-5 (bright enough to light up a target down the hall) and a Springfield XD .40 cal.
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Here is where I need your all's help..
We have not been "flashlight" people here in my house. Don't hardly use them. Have old Mag Lites in each vehicle but bet the batteries are shot (cold winter has taken the toll). Have a few in the house but again the level of "charge" would be suspect other than the poor quality one we leave plugged in.

""""check your batteries with a digital multimeter(DMM), battery maintenance can be a "nuisance" but its good to know it'll work when you need it. I'm glad I found this thread:

not sure what light you leave plugged in, but it might not be good for the batteries inside(unless charger was designed for this, I think)..... I personally wouldn't leave it plugged in 24/7, unless in a safe area****

EDC light-LF2XT or LF3XT(small in size Mighty in features), light can be "locked out" so it will not be turned on by accident.

Vehicle light-I'd stick with the mag and add a drop in, if strobe is a must, I'd recommend a quark,
Bedroom-use your EDC
Dog walks- itp a6 comes to mind, can be a pain to charge due to 6 AAs.

not sure what your budget is(around)?

what kind of batteries are you planning of using?
AA,AAA,CR123, Li Ion, nimh, alkaline, etc.