SF 6P and Cree?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 19, 2007
I've looked through some of the threads and haven't come up with a specific answer, so... I have an 'old style' original SF 6P (smooth body), bought probably in late 1970's, that's in like-new condition. If there is such, what would be the best available 'drop in' module for an upgrade that would hopefully be a simple change-out... just using the 2x123 battery setup?

Not a bonefide 'flash-a-holic', and just ran across the 'candlepower forums' very recently... mostly to learn about batteries and chargers rather than lights. I sort of got sucked into the 'lights' areas, as I've always had an interest... and have the original 6P, a matching 9P, and a very recently acquired 2U.

Any info would be greatly appreciated, as it seems the general subject of quality flashlights gets a lot more complicated than one might think.

BTW...If this more properly should be in another forum instead of/also, please let me know and I'll repost.

Thanks... Quinn
Just recieved this item which so far seems to be great for my 6p, running with two CR123s.
You can read more about it here where the consensus is that its a great item and exactly what you are looking for! :)

PS to see if it will work in your 6P (as you say your light is very old, and I have no idea what Surefire's that old used as lamp assemblies!), check to see the current lamp in there, if it is a P60 lamp (as i would assume it would be), you are set; as a bonus the LED drop in will work in your 9P too.
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Thanks Mash & Gunner12... I do have the P60 assembly. Those sound like excellent possibilities. Are there other 'drop-ins' available for the 6P I have?... also hopefully that don't require any mods? Seems like I read somewhere about maybe a 'Wolf Eyes' drop-in, but don't remember where. I would like to find about the possibilities, whatever the cost may be, before I decide what I might want to do with the light.

Thanks again... any other possibliltles welcome... Quinn
I use the $12.50 Dealextreme drop in in my 6P. It has a small gap between the head and the body, but it works very well.
QuinnK said:
Thanks Mash & Gunner12... I do have the P60 assembly. Those sound like excellent possibilities. Are there other 'drop-ins' available for the 6P I have?... also hopefully that don't require any mods? Seems like I read somewhere about maybe a 'Wolf Eyes' drop-in, but don't remember where. I would like to find about the possibilities, whatever the cost may be, before I decide what I might want to do with the light.

Thanks again... any other possibliltles welcome... Quinn

I would definitely suggest the Wolf-Eyes dropin, no modding required. If I were going to buy one, that's what I'd get. A bit more expensive, but probably worth it to perserve the condition of your lights!
My DX $12.50 drop-in is just fine as it is, no modding required (unless you feel like it, which is why a lot of us are here!). The gap between the bezel and the body is about 1mm or thereabouts, to be honest if I hadnt read about it here beforehand I wouldnt even have noticed! THe drop-in is made of two pieces screwed together, so I just made sure the top and bottom half were screwed together as tight as possible without crushing any wires etc, thats all that was needed. I think for the price, there is no risk in trying one; you wont be dissappointed!
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I recommend this dropin from KaiDomain. It is the same as the now out-of-stock $14.00 dropin at DX. It is shorter than almost all Cree dropins and I'm almost positive it will fit in your 6P without any filing. I guarantee you'll agree it's the best $13.60 you will ever spend.

Also, it runs on a single 3.7 volt lithium rechargable cell unlike the other one at DX,which goes out at 4v.
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cheapo said:
hmm, i thought sf was founded in the 80s.

I checked with my wife and I was probably quite a ways off. I bought both the 6P and the 9P at gun shows, and it was likely in the late '80s or early '90s. Moral... remember to check with wife before quoting old dates.

Sorry about that... Quinn
I appreciate all the good info... that should be enough choices for anything I might want to do in the way of an upgrade on that particular light. Very helpful!

Thanks again... Quinn
I have the same era 6P bought when I was a FFL and also a SureFire distributor in 1988-90. Works perfectly with Wolfeye's D26 drop-in but you are limited to either CR123s or 3.0v RCR123s.
SCEMan said:
I have the same era 6P bought when I was a FFL and also a SureFire distributor in 1988-90. Works perfectly with Wolfeye's D26 drop-in but you are limited to either CR123s or 3.0v RCR123s.
you can't use a 9v light with 3.7v RCR123's ?
SCEMan said:
I have the same era 6P bought when I was a FFL and also a SureFire distributor in 1988-90. Works perfectly with Wolfeye's D26 drop-in but you are limited to either CR123s or 3.0v RCR123s.

I use a P90 running on two AW protected RCR123 3.7v cells in my 6P.
I should have mentioned I have the pre-production WE D26 Cree that is optimized for 3.7-6.0v. The "6P" production model will handle 2 RCR123 3.7v w/no problems...

defusion said:
you can't use a 9v light with 3.7v RCR123's ?
Hello, I am new here. I went to the site that Mash provided (thank you) and ordered a Cree assembly for my 6P. I could not, however, find how many lumens that will make my 6P when I install it. Perhaps I missed it somewhere.

I am by no means an expert, but I am learning. I am really having a problem with flashlights, I like them way too much!

BTW, I carry my 6P on my duty belt. I just installed my new clickie tail cap and love that too!.

Thanks yellow. I bought mine from deal extreme. So, I am hoping that it is the one that you are meaning.
I just ordered one of the KaiDomain "Neena" Cree Surefire 6P/9P drop-ins for $13.66 and one of the KaiDomain "Zulema" Cree pocket lights for $14.99. I hope they will be worth owning. Based on what you folks have said about these products, I should be happy with them. Any one else know about these Cree products?