SF L1 update please


Dec 7, 2001
Long Island, N Y
An SF L1 will be coming to me in the not too distant future.
Can anyone update me on the status of the flickering problem reported when the light was introduced (in July 07, I think)? Has this been solved or is it still an issue ?
The thread I was reading about this was closed back in July and aside from that thread I have read nothing but excellent comments on the light and I want one.
I'm pretty sure that it is a dead issue.

It was reported that Surefire recalled all the lights in
late summer for inspection (fix if required.)

The two that I bought in the last month were fine.

I bought an L1 in October '07 and it has been trouble free and the best flashlight I've ever owned.

My L1 is from an early production batch but still it has shown no defects at all and it puts out a white, clean and powerful beam. Apparently the problem affected a limited number of lights.

If you want to be totally safe buy your L1 from a reknown dealer that has a good turnover like BatteryJunction and you'll be sure to get a recent production light.