SF P60 Lamp: Defect or Durability problem?


Jul 10, 2001
Bay Area - California
Today, I dropped my SF 6Z Combat Light by accident. I was pulling it off my workbench, and putting it into my pocket. At this point (about 3 ft. off the ground), the 6Z fell out of my hand and fell what appeared to be lamp-side first on the pavement of my garage.

I should add that this particular 6Z has been used for maybe a total of 2 min. on time--and has never been carried.

I picked it up, fully expecting the 6Z to function after a fall from this height. Much to my surprise and disappointment, the P60 assembly had broken. Should not a 6Z Combat Light survive a fall of this type? Is this a defective lamp assembly? Or, is this a durability issue?

Anyone have similar experiences? What did SureFire/Laser Products say?

I will be sending this lamp assembly back to SureFire with a note explaining the incident. I will keep the List informed as to SureFire comments and actions.


Lamps fail.

I've not had a failure from the field-testing of the C2. I mean, I don't expect it to take what the G2 can take, let alone the M2, but still, the standard, ~3ft drop test should not cause a failure, but it can.

Hundreds of SureFires are dropped every day. I would imagine the failure rate is pretty small.

I'd call SureFire Customer Service.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Size15s:
Lamps fail.

I've not had a failure from the field-testing of the C2. I mean, I don't expect it to take what the G2 can take, let alone the M2, but still, the standard, ~3ft drop test should not cause a failure, but it can.

Hundreds of SureFires are dropped every day. I would imagine the failure rate is pretty small.

I'd call SureFire Customer Service.


I am considering getting the M2 bezel for my C2 HA. Would the shock isolated bezel really make a big difference? Does it really protect the bulb that much better than the standard bezel?
UPDATE: I just got off the phone with SureFire Customer Service.

Be advised that any non-shock-isolated SureFire light is susceptible to lamp failure if dropped directly on the bezel, even from a few feet (i.e. waist height). This is the information I received from SureFire.

Even though in the 6-7 years I've used my non-shock-isolated SureFires (6-series, 9-series, E-series)--through countless droppings--this is the first one to have a lamp fail due to dropping (got just the right angle on the right type of hard surface I guess) today I ordered a shock-isolated bezel (Part# Z-32, $20.00) for my designated "carry" SureFire 6Z.

BTW, the Z-32 bezel is the same one used on the 6/9-series-derived weapons mounted tactical lights.

FYI, SureFire does not manufacture a shock-isolated bezel for the E1 or E2 series--I already asked.

Hope this helps.
SureFire Shock Isolated Bezels have a significant shock isolating ability to protect the bulb from shocks.

If you can, I suggest getting them.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Size15s:
SureFire Shock Isolated Bezels have a significant shock isolating ability to protect the bulb from shocks.

If you can, I suggest getting them.


Can I retrofit my "Classic" 6Ps and 9Ps with the shock isolated bezel? How big and heavy is it?


Yes, you can retrofit any 6/9-series SF with the Z32 bezel. They don't add any appreciable additional weight or girth, but there is probably a slight difference.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guncollector:
... any non-shock-isolated SureFire light is susceptible to lamp failure if dropped directly on the bezel, even from a few feet (i.e. waist height)
... this is the first one to have a lamp fail due to dropping (got just the right angle on the right type of hard surface I guess) today I ordered a shock-isolated bezel (Part# Z-32, $20.00) for my designated "carry" SureFire 6Z.

BTW, the Z-32 bezel is the same one used on the 6/9-series-derived weapons mounted tactical lights.

I've dropped the MN03 60 Lu LA for the E2 over 15 times, from different heights, averaging 1 metre. It still hasn't failed. Maybe I just got lucky with that particular LA, but it's great !!

TX, I think that either the 8-series or M3 filters etc. will fit the Z32, but my memory is a bit vague on this ......

I received the 6P today and was thinking of adding the Z32 but wasn't sure if it would fit.. Boy was I surprised to log on and see my question answered before I even ask it. To make it even better Wayne at LPS has the Z32 for $18 shipped.