Shame on me that I've missed this website


Newly Enlightened
Oct 1, 2008
As a flashlight enthusiast and a vbulletin forum member for everything, it is a shame that I have missed this website.

Greetings to everyone. What an excellent website.

Let me start with a question. What would you reccomend for a thrower, with 1 AA battery? Which one is the best, the LD10 is a good choice?



I assume that size is the most important factor for you, as you've asked for 1xAA light. Since you'll only get just so much total output from that power supply, the shape, size and finish of the reflector is going to play a critical part in the light's ability to throw.

ETA: the best 1xAA thrower I own is a Jetbeam I Pro (R2).
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I also wish I'd found this community earler. But I'm here now and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon... :broke: ... :ohgeez:

The best 1AA thrower (1AAs cant compare to the big boys though) is a Jetbeam Jet I Pro IBS. Biggest reflector on a production 1AA light that I know of.
For bigger throw check out a Dereelight DBS or Raidfire Spear.
+1 for the JetBeam Jet I Pro, it's as powerful as a single AA light gets, plus you always have the option of getting a Li-ion AA (a "14500") and charger to make it nearly twice as bright.
As far as I observed, it is expensive than the ld10 right?

I realize that 4Seven is a very very good website but does not sell the jet beam. Any suggestions other than ebay to purchase them (also int. shipping).
Funny I have missed DArklite's post, most probably we wrote at the same time.

OK now. From my geographical location, these are the actual cost of ownerships.

Jet I Pro IBS 90.95 USD
Nitecore D20 73 USD
Fenix LD10 58.95

What would you do?
If it's the shipping that's inflating the price, head over to JetBeam's French distributor, Neolumen; they have free international shipping.

I've ordered from them before, they currently hold my personal shortest international shipping time, from France to California in a week, good stuff :thumbsup:

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