sharpener for small to medium knifes


Newly Enlightened
Oct 16, 2008
i am looking for a sharpener for my multitools and pocket knifes.
it should be able to sharpen serrated blades (like on my skeletool cx)
all my havy duty sharpening like axes and stuff is already covered by a [FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Gerber sharpening steel[/SIZE][/FONT].

the sharpmaker caught my attention, but i dont like that you have to sharpen serrated blades with the edge of the stone. i think a cone shaped round stone would be better for the job.
The CountyComm ones are also made for Gerber and others. They are OK because they use ceramic rods, but not my first choice. They can be a bit tricky to sharpen the base of the blade nearest the choil (that's the unsharpened foot of the blade).

Don't be afraid of triangular shaped rods -- it's the motion used in the sharpening that gets into the full width of the bevel of the serrations.

I prefer ceramic sharpeners for serrations but that's only my preference. There are quite a few brands to look at but I'd start with Lansky (not just the systems, they have other sharpeners, too), DMT, and Spyderco.
my vote is for the lansky diamond sharpener system and several of the DMT diamond sharpening " cards" in fine and extra fine grits
I've had a few different sharpeners and finally bought an Edgepro Apex...hands down the best sharpener I've used.
Spyderco Sharpmaker. I've had mine for several years, it changed how I use and buy knives. Very easy to sharpen any knife I've tried on it, well worth the (reasonable IMO) price you have to pay for it.
Of all of the different rigs I have tried I think my sharpmaker gets the most use. Works great for serrated stuff. If you dont want to use them in the angle jig, the stones work great handheld. The white fine ceramic gets anything I have shaving sharp, including axes. The sharpmaker is just about bulletproof as well. I have been using mine for about five years now and the stones are still perfect.

another one for the sharpmaker, works great on my serrated bread knife
Gotta agree with the others, the sharpmaker has handled every serrrated blade I own. easy, fast and very sharp afterwards.!
I have a question for those of you using the Sharpmaker.
I used to own a similar product with ceramic rods. I think it was called Crock-Sticks, or something like that. It worked OK, but the ceramic rods would very quickly fill up with microscopic metal shavings and stop working. Then I would have to scrub the ceramic with Comet to flush out the metal. They did sharpen OK, but it was way too much work to keep the rods clean.
Is that still a problem with the Spyderco Sharpmaker? Do you have to frequently clean the ceramic rods?
You do have to clean them. I use either baking soda or comet and a scotch brite pad. Really any type of sharpening system needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. Even the DMT diamond stones or waterstones need to be cleaned.