Should I be worried about my SSC Leds?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2003
Bay Area
I just got my order of Seoul Stars. Should I be worried that they don't have any bin code printed on the back of the stars? They are supposed to be U bins.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I suspect you probably purchased them from DealExtreme or Kaidomain. The genuine SSC stars have coding printed on the back, plus the LED is soldered to the star. The ones you have are genuine SSC LEDs (unless they're copying these now..haven't heard that though) that have been attached to a generic star. These usually have heatsink compound between the LED and star. The thermal transfer from the LED isn't as good using this method, but I haven't noticed any problems (as long as the LED is properly mounted). Many are not however, leading to thermal transfer issues and in some cases, incorrect polarity. See this thread by EngrPaul for his recent experience:
If you got them from DX or KD, they won't have anything printed on the back as they attach the emitters themselves to the stars at the factory they buy their flashlights from. There's no worry on if they're U-bin or not, but you should worry if the polarity is correct and whether the emitter is actually touching the star. Those were the quality control issues discussed with the DX and KD SSCP4 Stars.