Should I buy my gear or clothes first next time?

Mr. Shawn

Nov 23, 2007
Lake St. Louis, MO
I typically wear boxers and a T-shirt around the house, and since I always carry a light and knife on me, I clip my P3D Q5 and a small Spyderco knife to my boxers' waistband. Recently, I bought some extra-large boxers, but I found that they kept falling down with my gear clipped to them! :eek:oo: So when my wife and I were at the store today, I told her to pick out some large boxers and told her why. She just cracked up but wasn't surprised. :laughing:

Anyone else have a funny story about their clothes and gear?
Not a funny story, but you might also think about how you might carry your gear in the middle of the night when responding to the proverbial bump in the night.

One of those ninja tac vests might actually be useful. Have it pre-loaded and just put it on. I like this one:
I typically wear boxers and a T-shirt around the house, and since I always carry a light and knife on me, I clip my P3D Q5 and a small Spyderco knife to my boxers' waistband. Recently, I bought some extra-large boxers, but I found that they kept falling down with my gear clipped to them! :eek:oo: So when my wife and I were at the store today, I told her to pick out some large boxers and told her why. She just cracked up but wasn't surprised. :laughing:

Anyone else have a funny story about their clothes and gear?

At least your wife is "supportive" of your support needs :poke:
Mini Maglite led to Surefire ownership. Surefire dealer also started carrying 5.11 clothing. Now half my closet is filled with 5.11 clothing (~12 pairs of their pants, 4 of their polos, 4 of their shirts, belts, socks, boots, jackets, t-shirts...) All this because of the magazine/flashlight pocket to put a Surefire L1 into.
I have one pair of slacks for funerals and weddings, the rest of my clothing consisting of cargo shorts and pants for tool storage and the requisite b-ball gear.
yeah i wear almost strictly 5.11 clothes because of how well it holds my stuff. sometimes i just have a loaded pair of 5.11 shorts with an operators belt on the pants because of how well it holds its shape. so i slip those on within seconds. :duh2:
A FLASHaholic caught with his trousers down with a knife to cut off the link. This is too much for us!!!
Has anyone ever have one of these Scott-E-vest before? Apparently, they came out with more clothing options since I last checked about 6 months ago. You could carry everything, including a kitchen sink with one of those.
I keep a knife clipped to my PJ pants. And I always make sure I by PJ pants (sweat pants.) with pockets. I understand completely!!
+1 for about-the-house cargo shorts, a good pair of these are roughly as comfortable as boxers, but there's room to carry everything. I EDC my 8.5 ounce Leatherman Wave indoors, don't try that in boxers..
How is the colour fastness for the 5.11 pants?

I am looking at getting a couple of pairs of the originals in black for my medic work.
How is the colour fastness for the 5.11 pants?

I am looking at getting a couple of pairs of the originals in black for my medic work.

I don't buy black 5.11 pants but I have a pair of the original (74251) in dark navy. I wash them in a maytag epicz HE washer in "normal" setting with tide original HE detergent and then dry them in "normal" setting in the matching gas dryer. They shrink a little bit and the color is a lighter than the new ones. I'll grab a picture comparing the two the next time I am at my dealer.

I also have a pair of the dark navy taclite (74273) and they almost look black. I only washed them once so it'll take a 2 months before they get a good wash count (6-8 times.)
Yeah, when you put the dark navy next to the black you can tell a difference but when you put the dark navy next to the navy they look black.i have black, khaki, navy, and dark navy for shorts and i have black and khaki in pants.
the color stays pretty well so far and, 5.11 just rocks.:rock: and they pair PERFECTLY with the operators belt. perfect rigidity and very very comfortable.
There is a list of online dealers on 5.11's site but i am not sure of any free international shipping. I know that there is free CONUS shipping when you buy 2 5.11 items or more from but 511tactical says they are having a special for free shipping in CONUS for all purchases. so no, i dont know of any places that have free international shipping. you would have to do some research on that. :shrug:

EDIT: found on the website an asian dealer that is under the malasia list.

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Kevin Chau
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