Should I get the SF L1?


Oct 18, 2004
Hi, I love SF and I only own SF. I use to own a SF L1-Cree but the guy who works for me loved it so I gave it to him. I only owned it for about 3 hours.

I own the E1L-Cree-Dual Output, E2L-Cree-Dual Output and now as of today the E2DL. Is it worth to get the L1-Cree since I have the other SF's. I know some will say buy it anyway, which I have no problem doing, but the output seems to be very similar to my other 3 E series LEDs.

What is your opinion?
Go for it! You can always give it away if you decide it's redundant. PM me for my address....8-}

Seriously, I have the same lights as you (all in the last month), and I'm thinking about the L1. I like the two stage switch from the Aviator which the L1 shares (not same size though). That's all the rationale I need to call it "different"....8-}
Ok, just bought it from OpticsHQ, great price and great CS.
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NO, if you are asking (which you did), but then again I DON'T like the SF E/L "TIR" (TIR = lack of any useful spill, IMHO) series of lights.

The one thing that I DO like about the L1, over the E series, is the "2 stage tailcap" (very useful, IMHO), as opposed to the "clicky". If they (SF) would just add some useful "spill" (and/or a NEW L2!) to the L line-up, I'd be all over it.

So then, if you do "like" the TIR beam, I think you MIGHT like the L1 better, for the "2 stage tailcap".

The L1 has a brighter low beam than the other Surefire 2-level Cree lights.

For use in the dark, some people don't like this because it can be too bright. But as a general utility light, the L1's low beam is quite useful, and it's bright enough that you often won't need the high level.
IMHO the L1 is not about output compared to the E1L/E2L/E1B/E2DL - the L1 is about User Interface and ergonomics.

The advantage the L1 has is it's two-stage push button pressure switch and superior ergonomics. I have all the lights I've mentioned and use and EDC an L1 because I prefer the UI and how it feels to grip and operate.

If you've only had an L1 for '3 hours' I don't think you could have experienced the difference the UI makes - carry and use one for a week and I think you'll be able to form a more informed opinion.

Al :)
The L1 is one of the all-time greats, IMO. I have, lessee, eight, and one of my boys has another. The total includes five square body versions (red natural and black HA, 2x white and Milky ML-1), two round body (red, white), one later round body (white) and a Cree. Yeow...I wasn't aware I'd accumulated that many of them, but you can see how I feel about them!
Hi, I love SF and I only own SF. I use to own a SF L1-Cree but the guy who works for me loved it so I gave it to him. I only owned it for about 3 hours.

I own the E1L-Cree-Dual Output, E2L-Cree-Dual Output and now as of today the E2DL. Is it worth to get the L1-Cree since I have the other SF's. I know some will say buy it anyway, which I have no problem doing, but the output seems to be very similar to my other 3 E series LEDs.

What is your opinion?

My opionion is that I want to be your friend. My other opion is that you don't need the L1 because there is nothing that it can do (other than go directly to either high or low) that the others cannot.

I see that I'm too late though. One reply and like 5 minutes after your post and you've placed an order, LOL. I think you might have the sickness :crackup:
I would also recommend, now that you've been diagnosed, that you try some other brands. There are many other great torches out there that are worth checking out. I know that you're SF's might be all you need but since you bought an un-needed L1 I just figured you for a flashaholic with means.........................:naughty:
based on what you have, it would probably be redundant, but thats only if you want to rationalize it. "I WANT" beats rationale 9 out of 10 times.

Personally, I really like the L1. I am divided between getting that or the A2 for my first small-diameter SF light. I think the interface is much better than the E1B, which leaves me clicking right past the high setting to low again because i'm super impatient.

I plan on getting one of the two around this winter so that I have a good two-mode light to replace the G2L that is my current nightstand light can go in my bug-out bag.
based on what you have, it would probably be redundant, but thats only if you want to rationalize it. "I WANT" beats rationale 9 out of 10 times.

Personally, I really like the L1. I am divided between getting that or the A2 for my first small-diameter SF light. I think the interface is much better than the E1B, which leaves me clicking right past the high setting to low again because i'm super impatient.

I plan on getting one of the two around this winter so that I have a good two-mode light to replace the G2L that is my current nightstand light can go in my bug-out bag.

Now THAT's an easy one. If I could swing it financially I'd get an A2 in a second. The combo of a nice, floody low level and an intense, regulated incan. high is a killer combo. Add to that the great UI/switch and it's just a really useful light.
Close call. The L1 is a little more compact and should offer longer run time, at least on high. The regulated incan primary of the A2, though, is highly useful outdoors because of its better color rendition. Very hard to make a decision on that may wind up with both... :broke:
I have both the L1 and the A2. The L1 is much easier to carry, but you can't beat the incadescent A2 in some situations. Having said that, I don't have much use for the so-called white LED's on my A2. Mine are quite blue and while they are supposed to provide you with longer low level usage, they remind me of the E01, uggh. Still, combined with the slightly yellow incadescent, (they come on together), they give great color rendition, particularly of landscape. The interfaces on the lights are identical and interchangable.
HCD, wanna hear sick? I just bought my L1 2 hours ago. In the last 3 weeks I've gotten an E2DL, E1B, Nitecore Extreme, E1L, and now the L1. I have an A2 for sale in the marketplace, which is sold pending funds. I managed to spend 4 times as much as I'm selling that for! Great light, paid $119.99 at a local gun store in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Can't wait for dark!

ETA: I agree the A2 is a GREAT light. Just a little too large for me to carry usually...
Very pleased with my L1. Beam color is awesome. I did a separate post to describe its color when compared with other SFs.

Get yours and enjoy....Jeff