Should've waited


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
So I bought a Xenide 480mAh battery pack late last year for $180. I just checked out AELight's website and it's now $98. Bummer, I should've waited. I could've used that extra $80 on a spare bulb.:sigh: At least the prices went down.:twothumbs I guess the lesson learned is don't be too quick to spend money on a flashlight, especially HID parts.;)

A near impossibility for most flashaholics.:crackup:
So I bought a Xenide 480mAh battery pack late last year for $180. I just checked out AELight's website and it's now $98. Bummer, I should've waited. I could've used that extra $80 on a spare bulb.:sigh: At least the prices went down.:twothumbs I guess the lesson learned is don't be too quick to spend money on a flashlight, especially HID parts.;)

A near impossibility for most flashaholics.:crackup:

Yeah, that's murphy's law though. If you hadn't purchased it, they'd still be
$180. There's really no way to predict prices going down in today's economy.