Show us your bike light set-up


Aug 24, 2007
I think it would be cool to see photos of different bike light set-ups.
I use the Fish and Fenix bike mounts with a total of three head lights by Fenix-the TK11, LD20 and PD30. The TK11 is on max and the LD20 and PD30 are on strobe when I ride. I also have two multi-LED tail lights set to random flash. I have a Fish mount on my helmet that I can mount one of the lights with to give me directional light where I turn my head.
I enjoy riding my bike at night but safety is a primary concern and good lighting is beneficial. :twothumbs

My mistake and my apologies. Perhaps a Moderator can move it to the appropriate forum.:sigh::green::mad:
While waiting for the forum move here's a photo of the set up on one of my bikes. All the lights are home made. The headlight is a P7 with Shark Remora driver and a "remote" mode switch beside the L hand gear shift. The tail light is a solid 1 inch diameter bar of acrylic with 2 red leds embeded so that its virtually indestructable. Most importantly it has excellent visibility from all angles including the side. I made the strobe driver myself.
Hey DeFab-
That is an awesome arrangement of some cool illumination tools. You did a great job fabricating the mounting hardware. I'll bet the trail ahead of you looks like daytime. BTW how do you post photos like that with your reply to threads? I just know of using copy & paste photobucket addresses.:thinking:
Thanks! It actaully does make the trail look like day!

See the 3 little icons right above where you type?

Press the one with the mountain and sun and it will allow you to insert pics....hope that make sense and helps.
Thanks Spence.
DaFabricata - your MTB is an inspiration to all of us who do trails at night!
I already showed this but,,this is my cygo mightycross




i shamefully have not used it yet, tomorrow i hope to be able to.
oh and this was inside with other ceiling lights on,,so its pretty decent
Hi pe2er,
I like your double tail lights.
It's not the motorists in front of me I wory about (I can see them) but it's the guys behind me. I use a flashing light on the back of my helmet plus the bike taillight plus passive reflectors.
I like your double tail lights.

I worry about both :p
- Oncoming traffic with blinding HID Lights
- Traffic coming up behind me

..especially in the dark on an 80 kph road, and a combination of overtaking oncoming cars and cars approaching from the rear.
Fortunately, this does not happen too often ;)
I have to get some better pic from tonights ride, the mighty cross just does not cut it,,i mean its bright but not enough.

and defab THATS overkill in a good way!! nice job!!
It sucks at the moment, but its being improved as we speak:shrug:

The battery is in a capsule, I sure as heck would not ride it in the way its depicted above
Here ya go!!!:crackup:



My apologies, but my daughter loves it, and more importantly... I amuse easily!!! :)