Flashlight Enthusiast
As a newbie user,is it ok for me to lubricate the threads on my meagre collection of lights with a high quality silicone grease which I sell to garage workshops for electrical connection work etc.
My catalogue states:-
Suitable for all electrical plugs, terminals, switches, door locks, aerials and
mechanisms for seats, sunroofs and windows. Also ideal for lubricating switches.
• Extremely good water and moisture
displacing properties.
• Provides a lubricating film on
all surfaces.
• Temperature resistant from
-40°C to 300°C.
• Colour: transparent upon application
After solvents evaporate a
translucent film is left.
My catalogue states:-
Suitable for all electrical plugs, terminals, switches, door locks, aerials and
mechanisms for seats, sunroofs and windows. Also ideal for lubricating switches.
• Extremely good water and moisture
displacing properties.
• Provides a lubricating film on
all surfaces.
• Temperature resistant from
-40°C to 300°C.
• Colour: transparent upon application
After solvents evaporate a
translucent film is left.