"Silver Star" Elephant II quad P7 with D2Flex


Apr 30, 2009
Yesterday I had the chance to put some parts together:
FiveMega´s chrome plated Ellie II, Download´s Multisink, Taskled´s D2Flex, some Ledil Boom-S and P7-D´s:


To get 4 Ledils into a Mag- head, I had to modify them a little bit:


The soldering part is always the hardest part for me, I have to practise much more soldering...


But in the end everything found it´s place:


This is a beauty:


And no building thread without beamshots, I compared my "Silver star" to a Uniquefire HS-802 modded for a single P7 with 53mm deep throw reflector:


Beamshot Uniquefire single P7:


Beamshot Ellie quad P7:


Thank you for watching & a happy new year!
Thank you for nice words and thanks to Fivemega for this beautiful host!!!

Today I tested inside at about 25°C, how cooling works- and it works: after 20 seconds you can feel the head getting warmer, after 1- 2 minutes the head is warm, lets say about <40°Cesius, and it stays like this, after 5 minutes the host is little bit warm above the switch, under the switch no change in temperature is to feel. I think this depends on, that the heatsink is able to give warmth directly and easily through the finned part of the head outside of the host. ...But believe me, I am glad that cooling works fine, because I really was not shure myself at this point when I planed to build this light...
Are you driving those P7's at full power? I just can't understand how such a small flashlight gets rid of 40watts of heat so effectively. Surely that thing should be getting far hotter than that...?

Perhaps I need to re-read about heat sinks again, lol
Hi Matt,
I drive in direct with D2Flex, I used freshly charged 18650 cells, so the P7´s should have got the power they needed. I also read a lot here on CPF about heatsinking cause I for myself know nothing about that- from what I read, it does not only depend on how much mass a heatsink has- it is also necessary, that heat is able to leave the light as fast as possible- and therefore a good and direct commection to the host is very important- and the host is the biggest and best heatsink you can get to pass warmth away to the air... I read this in an other thread, forgot where it was, sorry, but it sounds logical to me- on the other hand a big and massive heatsink can take more heat than a thin one, but the heat also has to go somewhere, and there is only one way- out of the host in the air... But I think, in this case the finning of the head by Fivemega helps a lot to prevent this light from overheating: I can feel the warmth coming out between the cooling fins, but it does not really reach the endings of the cooling fins, they stay relatively cool at the endings- O.K. my english :ohgeez: ... hope you can understand what I want to say...
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After bigchelis suggested me to use an IMR 26650 cell for my Mag 1D triple P7 instead of a 32650 Li-Ion to get better results in output, and after this really made a big difference, I decided to try some AW IMR 18650 cells in my quad P7 instead of 18650 Li-ions, and I could not believe what difference it makes- at first I could realize a big increase in brightness- but I wanted to see it in numbers: I measured twice to avoid errors with both almost the same results and here is what I got:

Quad P7 on highest level with 4x 18650 2500mAh Li-Ions:

Quad P7 on highest level with 4x 18650 1600mAh IMR- cells:

Thank you for watching & best regards,