single AAAA flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2009

I would like to find a flashlight wich works with 1xAAAA cell. I have found the AUNOC AAAA (despite I can't find a dealer) but it's not very powerful.

Does anyone know another one?

I know ITP A3 EOS and MARATAC AAA and I will buy them, they are very tiny and handly. But I would like to see an AAAA flashlight more tiny and handly.

If not, I think it would be a really nice idea that someone who makes flashlight (I know that there are a lot of people doing that around here) considers building an AAAA. I think this could have a lot of buyers (I know that is not very common but you can buy AAAA's in a lot of places, at least here in Spain).

Thank you in advance and sorry about my English :)

i thought about that before; they're not too common here where i live in st. louis, missouri. i had a laser pointer that took 2 AAAAs, but the only place i could find AAAAs for it was radio shack. the ONLY place.

...that'd be one skinny light!
I don't think the AAAA option is more handy than AAA. The Maratac (and ITP A3) is absolutely great as a pocket flashlight and is tiny, more than Fenix L0D, and much better in a side by side comparison. More tiny doesn't mean more handy, not necessary, IMO. In fact, I think if the flashlight is too small it'll be more weareable (lightweighed) but you'll need both hands to handle it. I mean if it's twist switched.
I'm waiting for a Lummii Wee NS (35 mm long, 15 mm diam.) and I'm pretty sure it will be neccesary both hands to switch it on/off.
Having said this, I don't know any single AAAA flashlight, only double AAAA penlights.

Get the Maratac AAA and you won't regret it.
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Or go to GoingGear or Shinningbeam or any other dealer to purchase the ITP A3, very similar to the Maratac but not so grippy and not tailstanding.
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I think AAAA would be easier to handle than a coin cell but not any more handy than AAA. Plus they are harder to find (probably as hard if not harder to find than coin cells in my experience) and I'm not sure of the capacity difference between AAA, AAAA, and say 2032,16 etc...

You can break open a 9V battery and find 6 AAAA inside (at least I think they are AAAAs)
From what I have seen here in Boulder is that there's only 1 place to buy AAAA's and they cost more that AAA's or AA's and obviously don't last very long due to their size. The Gerber Tempo is a really small AAA flashlight (3" long x 3/8" diameter). Puts out a decent amount of light. Lasts a little over 6 1/2 hours on lithium in sunmode and then a moon mode of another 2 1/2 hours. With an alkaline battery you get a gradually decreasing output with about 12 hours of usable light and around 24 hours of moon mode.

The Streamlight Microstream is another really smalle AAA flashlight (3.5" long x 0.6" diameter). With lithium batteries you get about 4 3/4 hours sun mode and then about 8 minutes before it shuts down. With alkaline batteris you get about 3 1/2 hours sun mode then about 6 minutes before it shuts down.
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There are two types of 9V batteries one of which consists of 6 AAAA cells. Thats the more common one and its called "6LR61" or "AM-6".
The other one is called "6F22".

AAAAs have only about 500mah which is almost a third of good AAAs and AAs hold up to seven times the energy.

I you dont need a long runtime it would make for a super small light though.
Perhaps a lummy wee or similar extra small lights are better for you...
The Snap On tool trucks carry AAAA's in a pack for 11$ Energizer brand

First I thought it's a typo but now I know there is a AAAA type battery.
The AAAA cell is only 2mm thinner and 1.5mm shorter than an AAA. That's not going to make much of a difference to the size of the flashlight.

If you want something really small, take a look at 10280 and 10180 Li-ion lights. They're over a centimeter (2cm in the case of 10180) shorter than AAA lights yet can produce 100+ lumens.
It is easier to get 3-4 AG1 button cells cheaply that AAAA cells and a light using them is even smaller than a AAAA light but am unsure of the runtime. I have popped open 9v batteries there are a few threads telling you which ones have the AAAAs in them but the batteries are flat topped so you may have to either solder a blob on one end or something to get them to work in some instances depending on the design of the light.
If you factor the difference in size vs the ease of getting replacement cells, i think that any 1xAAA light is going to be something that is easier to carry around. I used to carry my Lummi Raw NS (uses 14250 cells) and its a really nice light but i now carry my LD01 everyday on my keychain.

It's small and very light and i never even notice that its there till i need it. I use 10440 cells in it but i know that AAA cells can be found anywhere so getting a replacement is never an issue. I'd hate to run out of juice and have to go hunting for AAAA cells.

In the long run, i think going with a 1xAAA is a better deal. If you really want a tiny tiny light, take a look at this light, its shorter than my pinky finger and replacement cells are very easy to get
I have the iTP A3EOS and it's a great very small light, which takes AAA or 10440 li-ion batteries. I'm also waiting for a Lummi Wee, which is even shorter, and just ever so slightly wider.

However, at least in L.A. it is not that difficult to find AAAA batteries. I have a twin pack of Energizer AAAA in front of me since one of my bluetooth earpieces uses them. I found them at OSH hardware as well as at one of the local drugstores.

Having said that they're available doesn't necessarily make them more desirable, though, since they're still almost as long as the AAA ones. If you want really small (besides the Lummi Wee) you'll have to settle for button type batteries and not much light.
Thank you very much for your replies :)

I bet that an AAA is very good for EDC, and they are much more common. But I am not looking for a tiny and handly flashlight, I was just wondering if there are single AAAA flashlights (without counting AUNOC) for curiousity.

By the way, I have already known Lummi and I will buy one of them very soon when I can :) They are pretty and tiny (despite they are expensive and don't use so common cells).

I know some multiple AAAA flashlights (penlights) but is very hard to find one 1xAAAA.

Also, if one considers rechargeable cells, I have doubts about rechargeable AAAA's (if any), but the world-class Eneloop / Duraloop low-self-discharge AAA is very robust over long timeframes, from what I've read here on CPF.
A truly small light could also be built around the N cell battery which has been made in alkaline and NiCad form at least and may be available in NiMh. Available at more drug stores in alkaline form than the AAAA cell. Used to be the power source for the HP41C calculator. Per an Amazon search Streamlight makes a 3 N cell plastic body light, the 62202.

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