Slippery flashlight? Try Wrap-Fix Tape!


Mar 2, 2002
Kentucky, USA
I was looking around Wal Mart today checking out some stuff, including their $15 Mag AA LEDs (not on clearance here, or not priced as such....) and happened to find some stuff that I remember I used years ago for some things..

It was with the duct and electrical tapes, and it's called Wrap-Fix tape. It's a rubber tape that you VERY TIGHTLY wrap around something multiple times, it'll stick to the surface and to itself. As I recall, it holds rather well and stays stuck. Stretched properly, it fit just perfect into the body of my P2D between the tail and the head and has given it a bit of tack. Yes, a little tacky too, but it's actually not too obvious. My initial job at it doesn't look bad, and could probably be done better, or even carefully touched up with an Exacto blade. Right now it will screw down to Turbo mode, but it's a little harder than normal, I think trimming it will be easy to do.

If it works out well on the body portion, I could even put it on the head too for extra grip.
I ended up wrapping mine in electrical tape, much more grippy now. It's black to begin with so not really noticible. I don't like the tape edge thou, they probably will rub open easily. They also sell colored electrical tape, so a yellow one may be better for camping etc.

Left the head alone thou, don't want to hinder heat dissipation.
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Try skate boarding tape. It's peel and stick and is very grippy. Textured rubber surface that looks like course sandpaper but is actally all rubber. Very nice stuff for lights.

I can't seem to find Wrap-Fix Tape in search.
Better yet, is there a web address on the packaging?

Could it be renamed as this:

Interesting, I can't find it either.. It is Duck brand, called "WRAP-FIX TAPE" on the packaging.

But I think what you've linked is probably the same thing, as the description is "Self-Fusing Repair Tape."

I wanted to get some of this stuff for other emergency repairs, figured I'd try it on the light too. Seems to work.

I personally wouldn't put electrical tape on it, as it tends to dry and leave icky residue. This self-fusing tape is just tacky from the rubber itself, no adhesive.
Skateboard grip tape (at least the stuff I've seen) is almost like sandpaper. Stop in a music store and pick up some drummer's grip tape - a $5 roll is just about a lifetime supply. There is also a product for tennis and raquetball rackets, but it's a slip-on grip - probably wouldn't fit most 1" flashlights.
I haven't tried Wrap-Fix, but I prefer Pachmayr's Pac-Skin (follow the link at the top for the "Snap Caps and Pack-Skin" page, then go to the bottom of the page) over sb grip tape. I've never been a fan of sandpaper-like stuff for carry items because of abrasion.

One thing about the Pac-Skin that I really like is that as you hold something, heat from your hand causes the Pac-Skin to act like it's stuck to you hand, but without leaving anything sticky on your hand. In that respect, it's very similar to Santoprene, like Gerber used/uses on some of the Gator knives. I've also been happy with how it performs when wet.
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Now that sounds like a good idea, I'll have to go look for something that big.

Go here for heatshrink...

It's 3:1 24mm heatshrink that should fit AA and CR123 flashlights just fine. I've used this product and company before, and they're both excellent.

If you want a more permanent solution, you could get the 3:1 24mm heatshrink with thermal adhesive (will stick when you shrink it).
Bah, $12 shipping on $3 of tube, I'll look for a local source. :(

Bought at local store, tried it, didn't like it. Too stiff, dosen't feel as nice as electrical tape, and the edge kinda warps up instead of stay flush.
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to Codeman --

So this Pac-skin stuff has an adhesive backing ?

Once you install it, you can't easily remove it ?

BTW, i've always loved Pachmyer grips ! :thumbsup:

Yes, it has an adhesive backing, except for the Mag D sleeve they make, which is a slip on deal. Once on, the adhesive is darn near permanent. But I have used Goo-Gone (citric acid) to making removing them easier.
If you don't mind it being sort of permanent you can buy rubberized undercoating in a spray can at the auto parts store. I use it on the underside of my motorcycle fenders. It might be hard to remove though I haven't tried to take it off.
I ended up wrapping mine in electrical tape, much more grippy now. It's black to begin with so not really noticible. I don't like the tape edge thou, they probably will rub open easily. They also sell colored electrical tape, so a yellow one may be better for camping etc.

Left the head alone thou, don't want to hinder heat dissipation.
When I was a kid, my father used to get those faux leather wraps for his steering wheel and instead of using the cord it came with to secure it, he would use electrical tape instead. All the glue started coming out between the wraps. It was nasty lol.
I wouldn`t be surprised if you experience the same thing.
This is another option.
Just ask your local machine shop to make few grooves on flashlight body and add some o'rings.


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