while playing around with my solarforce l2 i realized you can unscrew the head from the body, and i don't mean like when you are changing the dropin... so i decided to try to crew the clicky directly to the head, that worked, but there wasn't enough room for a battery and the droping, so i unsoldered the small spring from the dropin and soldered that one in the clicky... so i had no spring in the dropin now and a much smaller spring in the clicky... but it was still too big, then i remembered that i once made a dropin with an optic instead of the reflector, but that dropin was too small for the 6p... but it workes perfectly in this light 
anyway, i thought you guys might like it
here are some pictures of the "mod"

l2m vs my mod and the normal 18650 battery tube

the parts


a beamshot
anyway, i thought you guys might like it
here are some pictures of the "mod"

l2m vs my mod and the normal 18650 battery tube

the parts


a beamshot
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