Flashlight Enthusiast
I want to upgrade my old Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-1 head. I've gotten a few newer LED throwers but despite their incredible LUX they have beams bigger than I was expecting. Even the current gen LEP lights don't have beams noticeably tighter than my decade old throwers. I could give up having 1,000+ lumen if it meant I could have a smaller beam. Yes I understand that I won't get more Lux than with the larger higher out put dies that exist. But I'm sure I can get more than this Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-1 head is currently making. It came with a XR-E LED, what exist today that has higher surface brightness and a smaller die size? My friend's Maglite XL200's LED looks much smaller and despite having the same output and a reflector that is tiny compared to the old Solarforce head nearly throws as far. Would the MC13 W1.1 be a good candidate? Without having a hand full of dies in front of me I have no idea what new dies would make sense for this.