So tell me something...


Newly Enlightened
Jan 1, 2008
I'm just curious about all of you who have vast collections of flahslights, LED or otherwise.

What do you do with all of them? Do you just sit in the back yard and shoot them at your neighbors, walk around town shooting them everywhere, or just take pics of the beams/floods and do reviews of them to post here?

I really want to know because if there's some way I can get some use out of my flashlights and have fun while doing it, I'd probably be more interested in flashlights altogether and spending a little more on them. But I just can't justify (as much as I want to) spending a lot of time and money on the hobbie just so they can sit around my house collecting dust and hardly getting used, except for durring emergencies.

I just want to know. :sigh:
I cannot speak for everyone, but I have lights in my vehicles, and kits (Bob, emergency, GHB whatever you may want to term them). Other than that I have a certain group of lights I use for EDC uses, and household specific task uses, any leftovers, and there are a few, get used seldom.

I find that a lot of the ones I do not use, I tend to give to people who may, that way I do not feel guilty about wasting money on something that is not used.
Almost all of my flashlights are tactical capable lights, so it's generally paired with a pistol in a fanny pack, in one of my vehicles, or on my person. The rare exceptions are my LED battery operated shop worklamp and my MOLLE flashlight.

So - I don't really shoot off photons on purpose unless I'm either breaking in a new set of rechargeable batteries or I'm doing a timing test on a new flashlight...which makes having rechargeables really handy.

Most of my weapons paired or lights in the truck tend to have primaries and that's it. My wife's and my EDC lights tend to have rechargeables, since we both use our lights enough to warrant it.

Out of my 20 torches 3-4 of them actually gets a lot of use some EDC but some gets dirty.
For the rest of them I rotate them every now and then. But usually collects dust. But i enjoy collecting them.
Most of mine don't really see a lot of use, at least use for actual needs or work. But, I enjoy having and acquiring new lights. I try not to think too hard about why I need a new light. For a few years I would attempt to justify each purchase. I've given up doing that now, and just buy them if I like them (and think they're worth the bucks).

Every day carry. I carry two photons on my key ring, a fenix L0PSE in my pocket and a Streamlight Stylus Pro in my jacket every day as my normal EDC

Oh, there is no such thing as a stupid question, if it is an honest question, only stupid answers.

I was the opposite of FT, I bought bought bought when I first got the bug, without justifying anything. Then got to the point where I had too much to th epoint where nothing was overly exciting. Then I started getting rid of things, giving them away, and got a core group I use. Now I only buy if I really see and feel a need to replace something.
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Thanks for the explination Lee.

I can certainly see a daily use for a key ring torche. I get home from work after dark most nights, so this could really be a handy little piece. I was thinking maybe a Maglite Solitaire with an LED mod.
I took a vow once ..............I'll never be afraid of the dark........unless I run out of batteries
I dont think my EDC has seen much "real" use other then lighting up the tops of medium height buildings when im bored..or for my smaller edc, quick lighting for tasks that would be doable otherwise, but i light it up anyway..but the idea is that its niced to know its there.

The rest, they sit on my shelf, my 6D hasnt seen use in awhile, i even took the batteries out so they dont leak, my G2Z hasnt been used in awhile, nor my longbow, ,nor my E0 which i dont intend to carry around as thier not made anymore,nor most of the lights on that shelf.But the point is that, i know that if i DO need them, they are there..its just sad in a way that i live in a country where its too bright almost everywhere to even see stars..even at night...even late at night...

The main point however is that they are there when there IS an emergency...thats why you need an ARC or something at least over a Solitaire with SMJled, its might be just me, but i feel that there is a high chance of potential damge to be done, eg:screwing down the head to much, damaging the mod

Interesting question. I've found myself on numerous occasions trying to justify the size and expense of my humble collection. I have a small shelf i have 6 or 7 lights sitting on,one of my brothers thinks i look at it as some sort of altar or something LOL !!:crackup:
But it's just a place to put them where i can always find them and my nephews can't reach them.
I also keep a fenix with lithium AA's in my car console, plus a streamlight 4AA in my backpack i always have with me at work, a streamight 3C on the stand next to the bed, plus lights in my bug-out bag ( yeah, i got me one :D ).
But more to the point of your question, i carry something cool with me everyday, and like to juggle them around. i have a fenix P1 cree on my keychain, but i'll often leave that and grab one of my 2 surefires, or gerber infinity ultra, and yes, not 45 minutes ago, as i was leaving work, i blasted everyone i could in the face with my L1 !!! oh yeah, they all just LOVE my little photon bazookas !!!
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No matter where you live on the planet, it will eventually get dark. I used to always walk around in the dark. Didn't even have cheapo flashlights in the vehicles. Since about 1996, when I got my first Surefires, I don't walk around in the dark anymore. I may be wrong, but I believe you will be surprised how many CPF members have nightstand flashlights let alone carry EDC's when they leave the house, even during the day.

I have collected and used firearms all my life. My wife won't let me use the guns in the house:naughty: No problems with flashlights though. This forum is really fantastic, you will find lights suited for almost every task and inconceivable situation which may arise. One flashlight will not cover all needs, wants or desires, just like one firearm or knife can't do it all. I consider flashlights a basic daily neccessary tool.
I buy them so nobody like arewethereyetdad,Grounghogg,Chronos,PSM or anyone else gets them first!
General household use, temporary work area lighting and comparing setups against one another.
I came to this forum when I started to realize that "things have changed" since I was a kid and an Eveready 2-D light was about the only choice for lighting up the dark.

I wanted to upgrade and get a light or two for the usual reasons, so I came here looking for the answer to my questions about what's the best way to go.
But when I got here, I started on a learning curve that amazed me from my perspective of someone who grew up in the 50's and let (some) technology pass me by.
I was an early adopter of computers and bought my first IBM in 1984. With an 8086 processor, two 5-1/4 floppy drives (no hard drive yet), and a real live RGB monitor, I was amazed to be able to get so much technology for just a smidgeon over $5000.00 :eek:

But the flashlight technology passed me by, so I came here to learn.

So no, I'm not a collector, and in fact, I think I'm almost done buying.
I'm about to end up with about 15 different lights which pretty much cover the gamut of what I will use them for.
At the "blaster" end, I have an AE Xenide 25W for running alarm calls at night, then ones like the DBS, MRV and A9s for typical nightime excursions, and then the CL1H, E1L, L2D-CD/Q5 and L1 for EDC type situations (I'm not interested in anything smaller).

Those are about a third of the lights I have, but like I said, I'm about to stop because I've just about got all the bases covered I need to.

So, ChopsLED, that's how it works. You come here looking for answers, and you go away with more answers to the questions you thought you'd never ask. :welcome:
I use my lights a lot mostly for camping, etc. I love going camping and everybody's got a puny little light, then I turn on mine and they're like "Holy...THATS LED!!". But they also have a different use for is like emergency food you use them every day? I hope not! But they are still important and certainly a worthwhile investment.
I came to this forum when I started to realize that "things have changed" since I was a kid and an Eveready 2-D light was about the only choice for lighting up the dark.

I wanted to upgrade and get a light or two for the usual reasons, so I came here looking for the answer to my questions about what's the best way to go.
But when I got here, I started on a learning curve that amazed me from my perspective of someone who grew up in the 50's and let (some) technology pass me by.
I was an early adopter of computers and bought my first IBM in 1984. With an 8086 processor, two 5-1/4 floppy drives (no hard drive yet), and a real live RGB monitor, I was amazed to be able to get so much technology for just a smidgeon over $5000.00 :eek:

But the flashlight technology passed me by, so I came here to learn.

So no, I'm not a collector, and in fact, I think I'm almost done buying.
I'm about to end up with about 15 different lights which pretty much cover the gamut of what I will use them for.
At the "blaster" end, I have an AE Xenide 25W for running alarm calls at night, then ones like the DBS, MRV and A9s for typical nightime excursions, and then the CL1H, E1L, L2D-CD/Q5 and L1 for EDC type situations (I'm not interested in anything smaller).

Those are about a third of the lights I have, but like I said, I'm about to stop because I've just about got all the bases covered I need to.

So, ChopsLED, that's how it works. You come here looking for answers, and you go away with more answers to the questions you thought you'd never ask. :welcome:

This is going to make me seem like a die-hard fenix supporter (wait, i think i am) but the T1 seems to be missing...:whistle:
