I bought one of these a couple of weeks ago and have generally been impressed for the money. However, while out walking with it on full beam it decided to die - Luckily I carry a old 6P too.
I took it apart to find that the double-deck driver board had blown up.
Can I just put a ceramic resistor in series so all 3 leds are on together ( value? ) or is there a more reliable driver board available?
I'm not interested in having the option of 1,2 or 3 leds on, or half bright or strobe modes. I just want a useable torch that turns on and off when I want.
I took it apart to find that the double-deck driver board had blown up.
Can I just put a ceramic resistor in series so all 3 leds are on together ( value? ) or is there a more reliable driver board available?
I'm not interested in having the option of 1,2 or 3 leds on, or half bright or strobe modes. I just want a useable torch that turns on and off when I want.