Solarforce Masterpiece vs EagleTac M2XC4 MKII


Apr 15, 2010
Flashlight City
Over the past week, I have been doing tons of digging on this site - in order to find a light brighter than my two current Eagletacs (P20C2 Mk2 and T20C2 Mk 2), but at a price I can afford. I've looked at all the pros/cons/price/size/light output/problems, etc.

I think the Eagletac M2XC4 with the tail clicky switch installed is what I've decided on.

However, I just discovered the Solarforce Masterpiece for around $100. I don't see any cons talked about, like the flickering of the Olight M30 and the buzzing of the Polestar.

What do you guys think of the Solarforce Masterpiece as compared to the Eagletax M2Xc4?
Cant speak for the solarforce, but the M2XC4 is a very nice light, and will be a good bit brighter than your P20 and T20, with way more throw. The shape took me a little while to get used to, but it is easy to keep a good grip on it with the tail clicky, and I have grown to like the shape.
I found these screen shots:


Solarforce MAsterpiece:

The Solarforce looks like it actually floods the area more. However, I do have 2 Eagletacs and am satisfied with the quality so far. Not really sure of the durability of the solarforce. I'd also have to buy some special batteries and a charger with the solarforce. In the end, the price difference is maybe $20 or so because of the batteries.