Solatek XR-E Surefire drop-in module


Jun 6, 2003
Has anyone tried this product, hows the quality like n stuff?
Is it the same as the one being sold by LITEmania?

Me too.....I sat out on the front porch in 6degree weather here in michigan hoping it would arive today. My p60 burnt out today after putting fresh batteries into it, so now I REALLY want it. At least my 155 count of 123 batteries came in.
Yes, it is the same unit being sold by Litemania. From the shipping list, it looks like a lot of people (including myself) will be getting them soon. I'm sure there will be a number of reviews/reactions posted (that thread already has some beamshots).

I'll be sure to throw up my own impressions/pics when I get it.
LITEmania in the dealers section....cost $48+ $2.00 shipping

Is that the one in the photo though, as per original post question ?
The one at lighthound is different i think, it has a different input voltage range and the module itself looks different and has a sticker on it insteaed of Solatek etched on it.
Damn, I don't need any of these but it's so tempting at that price (the dealextreme one)... With a G&P strobe tailcap, it'll be a fun light! But I already have a Gladius... I guess it'll sell out real soon and I won't have to consider :D
WOW that $15 is a great deal! but i doubtit has 93% efficient circuit like this one...