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Sold/Expired Sold: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN


Nov 24, 2007

as i wrote in the last sales thread i will sale some of my flashlights. here now comes a candy for you:


this is one of the most powerfull 2D mag with a stock head. here some details:

- 3 x Cree MC-E Coolwhite highes Bin (K)
- 4 x Cree R2 Coolwhite (to fill the Donat hole)
- 7 x McR-16 XR Reflectors from the Sandwich Shoppe
- coated ucl front glas
- selfmade pwm driver for stepless dimming capable for more then 50Amps
- 2-D Kaidomain Lion Battery Pack (not includet)

technical details:
- the power switch is includet in the pot. a complete left turn clicks and shut down the light
- the knop is not very beautyfull so you can change it for yourself if you want
- the middle led glows permanent with 55µA
- the led´s are direct drive via a selfmade pwm (always 2 emitters seriell and then parallel)
- charging jack at the backside (i also include a cable with the plug)

- with a fresh charged set there will be more then 3000 LED-Lumen

here a picture with the glowing center led:

here is the thread about building the light and more pictures:


the sporthall is about 100 meters away!

you see this flashlight is no toy! at a brawl from two guys (i was not involved) i used this light to stop them - only by shining into thair face from 20 meters distance :naughty:

the price for this high power mag is 450$ plus shipping

feel free to use this thread for your questions...
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Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

All I can say is wow that is a fine and very bright light. Oh and anyone can I borrow $450? What is the runtime?
Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

Man, what a light! Good luck with your sale, and I hope whoever takes this beast home takes good care of it.
Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

thanks for the roses...

runtime at full power is a little more then 35 minutes. at lowest setting (good to walk outside) runtime is about 45 hours.

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

here a picture with the front and backside:


Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

kaidomain 2-D lion pack will be 40$ extra,

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

for 40 bucks i can also add a car charger. the charger is complete configured with a plug for the flashlight and also the car. the robbe charger is one of the best and simples lion loader with adjustable current so all lion cells can be loadet.

thank you,

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

no one interestet? i can´t belive that is to expensive?

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

Sehr schöne Lampe Markus.Viel Glück beim Verkauf.Ich finde den Preis fair,wenn man bedenkt was man dafür bekommt.:twothumbs

Gruss Danny
Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

mhh, one week ago and still here. i didn´t think that. i thought that it would be faster sold. you can also make me an offer, but please calculate for yourself all the parts together.

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN


Good luck with your sale. The weak economy is hurting custom flashlight sales. I remember just over a year ago, FiveMega or Mac would do a limited run of something, and it would be sold out in a day. I remember when a custom Elephant would sell in less than a minute.

Give it some time, the price is right, it hardly covers the cost of parts, let alone the amount of machining and time that was spent building it.

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN


thanks for :bumpit:

i think also that the price is right, so i have to wait.
this is still one of my favorite lights. extreme high output, good handling size, stepples dimming and the car charge option wich i needed some times when there was a party outside. also the low mode wich gives runtimes about 40 hours.

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

I'd be all over this if I hadn't just bought way too many small lights and a ton of other stuff.

However, Markus does great work and is very reliable.

You won't see one like this again any time soon!
Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN


thanks for your words...

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

:anyone: i inlcude the lion battery, but there will no more pricedrop.

Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

Markus, it hurts me!!! Flashlight like this is one of my dreams. Unfortunately, I have not enough money for now. But, maybe in future, I would have some at least 2xP7/MC-E light, so maybe in future I will ask you for some nice light. Anyway, I have to say bravo! Take care, and - I think somebody will buy it for sure, be patient. Have a nice time.
Re: FS: 2D Mag High Power - 3xMC-E + 4xR2 = 3000 LUMEN

Markus, $400 is a steal for this light. I love the UI, very intuitive and unique.

Hopefully the economy turns the corner soon, as is the high-end lights only move if they're given away.