Flashlight Enthusiast
I just got this less than two weeks ago from Brighterisbetter and Bruce hunted for months to find one and paid DEAR for it! I paid $237 for it on USN But I am offering it for $200 shipped to help fund a new light purchase. Here are links and a quote from when I purchased this light from Bruce:
One of approx 21 made. There was an initial run of 10, then 10 more, then Don said he's probably done forever due to the difficulty involved. This was from his personal collection and is mint/uncarried. I've kept it wrapped safely in a sock in a cabinet next to my bed.
More info here:
The Sapphire is shown on the left above the Bitz. The other lights pictured are being offered in the Marketplace and trades are always an option!

More info here:

The Sapphire is shown on the left above the Bitz. The other lights pictured are being offered in the Marketplace and trades are always an option!
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