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Sold/Expired SOLD: Mint McGizmo Haiku XR-E


Nov 28, 2003
Kansas City, MO
SOLD: a perfect McGizmo Haiku XR-E, in all its 6AL-4V titanium glory. Ready to put in your hands by Monday! :D Priced at a bargain, but PayPal gift, please! My PayPal address is in my profile. US shipping included in the price. Will ship to international destinations as well - PM for quote.

$360 delivered in the US, SOLD!

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Re: FS: Mint McGizmo Haiku XR-E

Will I regret this? I hope not. I'll take it, shipped to the UK. Can you let me know how much extra it will be?
Re: FS: Mint McGizmo Haiku XR-E

Will I regret this? I hope not. I'll take it

To me this purchase is pretty much no-risk. In the event you don't like it, you can always resell it. They seem to hold their value. I'm particularly fond of those fins in the head, nice design, congrats on your purchase :wave:

Thanks Lisa. I've been on a bit of a spree punishing my bank account lately; just bought a LS20 the other day, but I haven't even received it yet! I hope the two McGizmo's will compliment each other nicely.