One Time Reduction!
There is such a smorgasbord of dandy custom lights being offered, I thought I'd throw in one more.
Here is Mirage_Man's first Ti project on his new mill. It's a "flood head" (He didn't want to call it a Mule, out of respect for Don (Mule Wrangler)(McGizmo) McLeish. It was made for the Aleph light engine, and contains a Diamond Dragon LE by DatiLED, which runs an enhanced FluPIC driver providing 2A to the emitter on burst, for a yield in the neighborhood of 500 lumens. The emitter is surrounded by an ocean of V10 Ultra Blue GITD epoxy.
The body is a McGizmo Ti McClicky set which has been re-machined to be unique by Mirage_Man. If you look closely, you can see the difference.
Nothing was left out of this wonderfully bright "flood light." The lens is sapphire, and the boot is soft-touch silicone.
This beauty can be yours for the amazing price of $1 per TL (Titanium Lumen)!
(Mirage_Man's photo...with his old camera )
$499 $449 + PPI (Paypal Fee, Priority Mail, Insurance)**SOLD**
I have disabled PM, but my email and Paypal address is:
(If you can't see the email address, it is also in my profile.)
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