[SOLVED] Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 12, 2007
Hello all,

I've been pouring over the forum the past few days trying to find a good EDC light. My m@g solitaire w/LED drop-in just isn't cutting it. :thumbsdow I've gone back and forth over the CR123A lights and the AA lights, and finally decided that considering I have enough AA NiMH's to power a small city, I should probably stick with those instead of using yet another battery type (and should I ever change my mind, I could always try one of those 3.7v Li-Ion AA's :cool:).

Anyway, long story short, I (think) I've settled on the Fenix R1D... now I'm not so sure about the LED, though. I've looked and looked around CPF and I'm pretty sure I want a R100. Overall light is more important to me than throw. From what I've read around here, the Cree Q5 has more throw, but the Rebel 100 puts out slightly more lumens and disperses the light a little better - all while running slightly cooler (I think).

The problem is, I can't find the Fenix L1D R100 *anywhere* to buy. I'm also a little confused as to whether the standard "Rebel" LED is the R80 or the R100 in the Fenix L1D model. For all I know, the R100 in a L1D is a mod. I never know with you guys! :laughing:

Anyone mind explaining this to me and correcting all the things I have bound to get wrong during my research here? And, even better, showing me where I could buy one?

I did find this one:
but I'm not sure if it's an R80 or R100.

I also checked the Fenix-store, but I didn't see the Rebel version..

Any help would be much appreciated! :D

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Re: Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?

The Fenix Rebels are no longer in production. The L2D had the RB100 and the L2T V2 had the RB80.

FYI, Fenix-store still seems to have some of the L2T rebels left:

And don't forget your 8% discount code: CPF8.

Ah, well that would explain it. Thanks for the quick response! Hmm, half my problem was that I was viewing the old HTML version of Fenix's website instead of the redesigned ASP version. :ohgeez:

Okay, anyway, I do seem to have found the L1D R80 at Amazon, then. Is there any reason the Rebel versions were discontinued that you know of? Should I stick with the Cree Q5??

EliteLed has the L2D RB100, you would have to buy an L1D tube extra.


Ah, I was wondering about doing that... question is, would the L2D RB100 with 1AA work as well as the L1D-CE Q5?? The main thing I'm going for is an all-around EDC light that would work well for hiking (it wouldn't be my main light for this purpose, but just in case, you know?), working on computers, etc. I don't particularly want something that just throws a little spot very far. I'd like a little more "spill", if you will. I'd also like as many lumens as you can suck out of a single AA haha (in turbo mode, at least). My impression was that the Rebel was better for that purpose as opposed to the Cree. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as that has been known to happen a time or two. :grin2:

EDIT: This thread is where I'm getting most of my info from, by the way. I also misread one of the graphs showing runtime with an R100 and 1AA. Seems it was a L2D using 1AA, as you suggested. That had me thinking there were two L1D versions or something. :shrug:

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Re: Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?

In the thread you linked, the RB100 version has more throw than the Q5, and the current Fenix models with orange peel reflectors are more heavily textured, making if floodier than the model in that thread.

Most manufacturers discontinued their Rebel lights because there were some product recalls, thermal issues, and there just wasn't enough available. Lumileds jumped the gun releasing them in an attempt to keep up with Cree, and they could not consistently produce Rebel emitters which were significantly better than their old Lux III's. They have pretty much been ran over by Cree, SSC, and Ostar now
Re: Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?

http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=173332 Here is a thread about the L1D R100. Many folks really love the beam quality. But I go for brightness so Q5 for me.

Decisions decisions! I'm having quite a time figuring out which one I would like more...

According to what I've read, I'd get a lot more battery life for just a small sacrifice in brightness... I wish I could see some beamshots of a R100 and a Cree Q5 powered by 1AA. Hmmm...

In the thread you linked, the RB100 version has more throw than the Q5, and the current Fenix models with orange peel reflectors are more heavily textured, making if floodier than the model in that thread.

Most manufacturers discontinued their Rebel lights because there were some product recalls, thermal issues, and there just wasn't enough available. Lumileds jumped the gun releasing them in an attempt to keep up with Cree, and they could not consistently produce Rebel emitters which were significantly better than their old Lux III's. They have pretty much been ran over by Cree, SSC, and Ostar now

Heh, I didn't even realize I was looking at old data. This is getting more complicated than I thought it would be lol :laughing: So... perhaps I should go with the newer Cree Q5 version with a textured reflector?

EDIT: Okay... I found the "Fenix Digital L1D Black Premium Q5 Textured" on the Fenix-store.com site. For the life of me, I don't see a L2D Q5 anywhere. Quick question... would a L1D with a 2AA tube be identical to a L2D? Or should I look for the L2D and get a 1AA tube? So many options... lol :shrug:
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Re: Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?

L1D and L2D Q5 black and olive models. If it doesn't specifically say what reflector, it's textured.

Okay, perfect!

So... I've got the Fenix Digital L2D Black Premium Q5 and the Fenix Digital L1D Black Premium Q5 Textured. Although, I don't specifically see the textured L2D Q5, but you say that means it would be textured...

Okay, so, quick questions:

The textured reflectors will help "flood" the area, correct?

Would I be better off getting a L2D with an extra 1AA barrel, or a L1D with an extra 2AA barrel (I'd like to be able to switch back and forward) - or does it even matter (aka, are they exactly the same?)

Thanks for putting up with all my questions. :grin2:
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Re: Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?

Okay, perfect!

So... I've got the Fenix Digital L2D Black Premium Q5 and the Fenix Digital L1D Black Premium Q5 Textured. Although, I don't specifically see the textured L2D Q5, but you say that means it would be textured...

Okay, so, quick questions:

The textured reflectors will help "flood" the area, correct?

Would I be better off getting a L2D with an extra 1AA barrel, or a L1D with an extra 2AA barrel (I'd like to be able to switch back and forward) - or does it even matter (aka, are they exactly the same?)

Thanks for putting up with all my questions. :grin2:

1) yes, that L2D has a textured reflector
2) yes, textured reflectors make the light more floody
3) The L1D and L2D heads are exactly the same, so get whichever combo is cheapest.

Don't forget that coupon :grin2:
Re: Where to buy a Fenix L1D R100?

Sweet. Thanks! Definitely won't forget the coupon. Seems the L1D + 2AA body is cheapest at the moment.

Blast... I'm going out of town all next week. I suppose I should wait until I get back to order it. I doubt it would get here quick enough for me to take it with me. :shakehead

But thanks again! I'll be sure to post some beamshots when I get it. I haven't done that before, but it should be fun. I have a Canon 12MP camera I could use. I'll have to check out the "camera guide" for beamshots later. I don't have much to compare it to though - just a handful of slightly modded mags. I wonder if this thing is going to be brighter than my 6D mag with a drop-in LED? :D

Thanks again!
I thought of that but I honestly don't see where you can pick the shipping method... :shrug:
Call them in the morning (phone). Don`t know if it will be brighter than your mag...depends on which drop-in. But it`s one bright light...shocking actually. Still gives me a thrill when I put it in turbo. Brightest light I have...by far. :drool::thumbsup:
Hm, never seen it done like that before lol :shrug:

Just ordered it. Here's hoping it actually gets here on Saturday!

Thanks again everyone, especially Marduke. Heh, CPF is awesome. Only you guys would understand my need to overnight a flashlight when I already have others I could use. :D

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