Some beamshots of my Dereelight DBS II


Newly Enlightened
Jan 5, 2005
Some beamshots of my Dereelight DBS V.II on with lots of fog




Very cool shots! I like how they look, especially the one looking down the barrel and out the business end where it looks very light saberesque.

Out of curiosity, what pill and battery are you running? Let it be no wonder why the DBS is considered the king of throw, and one of my absolute favorite lights.
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I m running the 3sd Q5 pill and a AW 18650 Protected 2200 mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery
Nice shots. :) DBS sure is fun. I had the DBS V2 R2 WH 3SD at Photon Fest 11 at Milky's place. I was faintly lighting up the tree line in the "black hole" which was about 1,200 feet away! :) According to Google Earth anyway.
WOW! Thanks for sharing those beamshots alpha.
The second one looks like a futuristic weapon.Fantastic! I've never seen this torch in action,simply amazing.
With all the praise going around about the DBS i'm surprised the ''others'' haven't jumped on the thrower band wagon.
Thanks again.

Take care
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can run a DBS module in a SF P60-style host like the C2 right? And if so, wouldn't the beam profile be exactly the same? I mean, there isn't an optic on the DBS lights is there?
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can run a DBS module in a SF P60-style host like the C2 right? And if so, wouldn't the beam profile be exactly the same? I mean, there isn't an optic on the DBS lights is there?

I was wrong the last time I tried to help with module compatability, so I won't comment there. However, no, it will not have the same throw. The DBS acheives its throw through its giant reflector, which is much larger than a C2's reflector.
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can run a DBS module in a SF P60-style host like the C2 right? And if so, wouldn't the beam profile be exactly the same? I mean, there isn't an optic on the DBS lights is there?

If you unscrew the pill from the DBS reflector, you can screw it into a CL1H reflector and then pop that into a C2, but like the above poster mentioned, the DBS throws because of it's giant reflector. You can't take that reflector out and put it in a C2. :)

Here are some reflectors, DBS on the left, P60 style in the middle:
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Great beamshots! I remember playing with my d-mini and green laser when there was even more fog than that! It was nuts!

I've got my DBS V2 3SM R2 WH in the mail, I hope it doesnt get lost or damaged!

I'm curious, will the 3SM be much less powerful than the 3SD???
Noticable to the naked eye?

I cant wait to go camping/hiking with the DBS !:popcorn:
I'm curious, will the 3SM be much less powerful than the 3SD???
Noticable to the naked eye?

I cant wait to go camping/hiking with the DBS !:popcorn:
No it won't be much less powerful. Side by side if you compare the two you'd have a hard time telling the difference but it may be possible. Overall though you're not loosing out on anything other than the beauty of the 18650 cell. Don't sweat it. Congrats on a nice purchase.

By the way the forum likes to keep pictures down at 800 pixels so resize if you're able to. :D
I'm curious, will the 3SM be much less powerful than the 3SD???
Noticable to the naked eye?

It will be less powerful, but not by a lot, but it should be slightly noticeable. There isn't much difference between the DBS and the Raidfire Spear, but you can notice the difference.
I will be able to alternate using 2 cr123 and 1 18650 in a 3SM pill right?
I thought the SM stood for multiple battery configurations??
Yes you can use 18650. The description says: constant output using CR123's. This probably means that it will not be regulated using 18650, so you will get less light as the voltage of the battery goes down. You will also probably get a very good runtime.