Hey guys just found my old Coast Frogman 4AAA light and was wondering a few things. From all that ive found on CPF they are adjustable brightness I think but I never noticed that in use? How does it switch outputs?
It was allways a little flickery so I cleaned the contacts with alcohol and it was much more responsive and would stay on without flickering. Now a few more questions. Is there anybody thats upgraded one? Should I just solder in an SSC P4 and make it a loaner? Pics are to come later tonight since I havent seen many around or on the site!
It was allways a little flickery so I cleaned the contacts with alcohol and it was much more responsive and would stay on without flickering. Now a few more questions. Is there anybody thats upgraded one? Should I just solder in an SSC P4 and make it a loaner? Pics are to come later tonight since I havent seen many around or on the site!