I just want to know what people's opinions are about fast food places like:
Convenience to you
Food quality
and whatever else you can think of.
Though you weren't neccessarily asking for orders of priority, mine would be:
Food quality. It should taste good (naturally), and not make you feel a little queasy later. Burger King does that to me the last couple years. I swear it must be a change in ingredients, perhaps different (cheaper?) oils or something. No other fast food has had that effect on me.
I'm including overall cleanliness of the establishment as a quality factor here. And, protein laden as they may be, bugs do not add positively to the experience.
Service. Almost tied for second with price as in the context of fast food, I've found that essentially any fast food joint is plenty accomodating, especially if there's some kind of problem. This could be, in part, due to my area, where there's so much competition between the major franchises, even between different locations within the same franchise, halfway decent service is the norm. For example, if one Mickey D's screws up once too often, or isn't clean enough, there's another one close by who may do better. The managers definitely know this.
However, if I had to choose one over the other, service wins out.
Convenience. Again, my area is not lacking in fast food in the least, so it's not a worry. Even if it was, I'd find a way to work it out.
While on the subject, I gotta' give mad props to Taco Bell for a number of reasons. Most of them are designed to give the customer a clear, wide open view of the food prep areas. They score way better here than any of the other chains around here. I also think that for fast food, the Bell can be slightly healthier than the others, depending on which items you order. Things with a fair amount of rice, and beans, with a minimum of fatty ground beef, and/or cheese are not too bad, and there's practically nothing deep fried (only the Gordita shells, I think). Best of all (of course this is a subjective statement), their stuff just tastes rockin' for fast food! If it came down to only having one chain in the area, I would absolutely go south of the border, and will NOT drop the Chalupa! Although, I still occasionally get a hankerin' for BK fries, or some White Castle. Heard some good stuff about In and Out Burger... wish we had one here.