Spear vs MRV SK vs DBSv2


Nov 2, 2008
Hello all :wave:! I just found this place a few days ago. I never knew there were so many options until I began reading. Well, ignorance must be bliss, because now I have NO idea which direction to turn :shrug:

I have read many threads involving these three lights, but none where they are compared together. All are missing one in the comparison. I am looking for the most powerful light I can recharge (my current light is the older Inova T4 which I love). My trusty T4 is showing the harshness of my job and there are a lot of lights which are much brighter now.

I need a light with good throw, but some good spill. I prefer throw to spill and am looking for the brightest light which fits these criteria but in a "smallish" package no bigger than these three lights. I guess I'm wondering which one would be the best light suited for tactical use and in which battery configuration.

From what I've read, the Spear is the brightest with a single 18650 LiIon, the MRV has a little better throw but is only brighter with two CR123As, and the DBS is similar to the MRV but with better build quality. I guess the Spear is the brightest with the single battery and the other two are better throwers with two? Too many choices and now I have no idea which one to buy :banghead:

Like I said, this is a work light and will be beat up a little. The more light the better, but I need a good balance of throw and some spill. I'm sure eventually I'll end up getting more than one, but for now I need to narrow it down to just one (its too close to Xmas!)

Thanx everyone!:grin2:
If you are a cop I wouldn't recommend Spear, MRV or DBS because I would not trust them in a life or death situation where "perfection" is a must. The Inova T4 is quite trusty, but there are many lights out now adays that are just as good. Take a look at some surefire lights. Though expensive, they really are the best in the business. One to consider is a new T4. As of 2008, they upgraded it with new features and quite a bit more output. If you like your T4, you'll really like the new T4. The lights you requested information on are what I would consider "vanity" lights. Sure, they're brighter than most, but the beam characteristics are close to useless in many situations (very very sharp focus and tiny spill)and they have been known to have switch problems at inopportune moments (made in China). Some will disagree with me, so take it or leave it. If you don't mind a polymer light, the Pelican 7080 is pretty damn sweet.
I'd trust them. I have Spear for almost a year and it's great. It's one of the brightest single Cree flashlight - 230 out of the front lumens (tested). A bit pricey as well. Surefire's are great quality but run on expensive CR123A only, LED ones don't have good throw. MRV doesn't have better throw! Throwy beam is quite useful in short distance because of brught spill.
Ilikeshinythings it seems you have never had any of them...
The lights you requested information on are what I would consider "vanity" lights. Sure, they're brighter than most, but the beam characteristics are close to useless in many situations (very very sharp focus and tiny spill)...
With the smooth reflectors, the applications are limited, but still useful for longer range illumination outdoors. Odd that you highlight this and then suggest Surefire, since the TIR optics on most of their new lights produce beams with similar profiles to the big throwers. However, I find throwers like the RaidFire with a textured reflectors to produce outstanding general purpose beams. I wouldn't necessarily recommend them, since you can get similar beam quality from a smaller diameter light like the Fenix TK10, but the RaidFire w/textured reflector is one of my go-to lights when I head outdoors.
TK10 has similar beam profile but much less throw!
Surefire TIR optics make small flashlights quite throwy indeed but they're not even close to Spear or DBS.
From what I've read, the Spear is the brightest with a single 18650 LiIon,

The DBS V2 has the most throw. With an R2 Cree at 1.2A it should produce more total lumens than the Spear, while also having more throw. The DBS has a larger reflector and produces a tighter beam.
I have the MRV SK and the DBS V2. The MRV SK seems well-made, but the DBS easily dominates it for throw and total output, and the DBS is also more compact. You can probably cross the MRV off your list.

If you did get the DBS, and are going to use 18650 batteries, then I'd suggest the 1S pill, so it always comes on in HIGH. My 3SD pill was a bit unreliable, plus I would end up in other modes if I tickled the switch wrong. Oh, and the optional OP reflector reduces the throw but enlarges the hotspot and softens the transition from the hotspot to the spill, which could be worth having.
Wow...maybe I should just keep looking then...maybe wolf or eagle lights? they appear to be more durable...:shrug:
I hate fishing for ideas, but I never realized there were so many choices...
When you ask a question like this you will get a lot of personal preferences from a lot of people with strong opinions! Nothing wrong with that either, you just have to find your own preferences. Almost all of the lights mentioned here are of good quality. Any light might fail, but mostly they don't.

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