SS C3 reflector.....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2008
VA Beach.
Well today i charged up my trusty dremel and polished the head of the SS C3 to a nice shine using mothers polish.....i also wanted a smooth reflector in this light so i basically polished the inside of the reflector getting rid of the op also using mothers and alcohol.

I was also checking that one out......but since my dremel was already out i figured to do it, i should have taken measurements when i had the chance........i used mothers and a hard compound polishing tip to get rid of the op.........
lol........too me it seems that the spot is a lot brighter now since the op is gone and the reflector is smooth.
well since the reflector is made out of aluminum why i use Mothers, for me it seems to be the best polishing compound to use....on any metal. Now if the reflector was made out of plastic then i would have been you know what.
That beam looks no worse than my my SS C3 with OP. I was expecting it to look a lot more ringy but it looks pretty much like mine :confused:. Does it throw considerably further??..meaning, was it worth it? If so, I may pull out my dremel :thumbsup:
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Too me it seemed to have a lot more throw, almost comparable to the Romisen RC G2, someone here posted a link to the smooth reflector, if you have a digi caliper you might want to measure the reflector unit or send DX an email on if it would be a contender or not. This sure beats doing it yourself and not liking the spot afterwards.....The reason why i gave it a go i wanted to see what the spot and spill would look like....the only thing that sucks about it is the yellow corona that you see in the pic other then that im happy that i did it. Planning on ordering another SS C3, polishing that one up and leaving the op as it is to see what both look like.
Too me it seemed to have a lot more throw, almost comparable to the Romisen RC G2, someone here posted a link to the smooth reflector, if you have a digi caliper you might want to measure the reflector unit or send DX an email on if it would be a contender or not. This sure beats doing it yourself and not liking the spot afterwards.....The reason why i gave it a go i wanted to see what the spot and spill would look like....the only thing that sucks about it is the yellow corona that you see in the pic other then that im happy that i did it. Planning on ordering another SS C3, polishing that one up and leaving the op as it is to see what both look like.

Once again, I'm surprised to see your beamshot looks very similar to my SS C3. Mine also has that yellow corona, even with the OP. It seems like a great mod if you were able to get more throw with little sacrifice to beam quality. I'm gonna give it a try..thanks!
well since the reflector is made out of aluminum why i use Mothers, for me it seems to be the best polishing compound to use....on any metal. Now if the reflector was made out of plastic then i would have been you know what.

Yes you completely stumped me :crazy: never touch a reflector before not to mention polish one :laughing: