Star or Emitter Which do you prefer to use (as far as thermal aspects are concerned?)

Star or Emiitter...Tape or Epoxy

  • Star Thermally Taped

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emitter Taped (Tape not electrically conducting)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 26, 2007
As the title says.

The Seoul emitter has a lower thermal resistance than the star version.

In your designs do you prefer touse the emitter and are confident that the bond you make over a smaller area is as good as it can be. Or do you perfer to knowingly sacriface some resistance knowing the bond you make your self is over a bigger area and more likly to be good...especially as the slug is live,

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Re: Star or Emitter Which do you prefer to use (as far as thermal espects are concerned?)


Emitter usually when a nice heatsink is available, especially on a cree.
Re: Star or Emitter Which do you prefer to use (as far as thermal espects are concern

PhantomPhoton said:

yeah...I just corrected it :)

Cheers for the vote and reply.

Re: Star or Emitter Which do you prefer to use (as far as thermal aspects are concerned?)

If you were doing it right you would epoxy a emitter directly to a hard anodized heatsink. The HA will provide the electrical insulation.
lol is neck and neck for the two epoxy methods.

Good point about the ano....I forgot ano doesn't conduct.

Re: Star or Emitter Which do you prefer to use (as far as thermal aspects are concerned?)

All of the above, as it depends on the light